Orange County NC Website
injury as a result of the proposed fuel storage activities, nor will they suffer any such injury. A copy of <br />CP&L's response is attached. <br />The Gordon Thompson report arrived in County offices late this afternoon. It has not been reviewed or <br />analyzed by staff at this time. <br />The County now has estimates furnished by Diane Curran and Gordon Thompson as to the probable or <br />potential costs for their services and expenses relative to various stages of pursuing the Shearon Harris <br />permit through the NRC and judicial process. A general synopsis of the cost breakdown is as follows: <br />• to date, approximately $25,500 has been expended or committed to the portion of the process <br />involving the initial challenge to the proposed "finding of no significant hazard" and intervention <br />pre-hearing conference process <br />• the additional cost, in terms of consultant fees, travel and lodging, for having Gordon Thompson <br />come to Orange County to present his report will be approximately $3000, for a total cost of <br />$28,500; <br />• the cost of proceeding through the entire NRC hearing process will approximately $55,500 for a total <br />of cost of $84,000 <br />• the cost of appealing license and "no significant hazards" rulings all the way through the US Court <br />of Appeals will be approximately $26,500 for a grand total cost of $110,500. <br />Please be advised that these cost estimates are somewhat "soft", in that they are based on an average cost <br />for an average permitting process. If CP&L so desires, it can extend the length of the process, and thus <br />the cost, by means of initiating extensive discovery, motion, deposition and testimony phases of the <br />hearing process. <br />If I may provide any additional information or clarification, please advise. <br />