Orange County NC Website
alternatives to CP&L's spent fuel storage expansion proposal; and 6) related travel, <br />lodging, phone, etc., expenses. It is estimated that, to get through the pre-hearing <br />conference (which is the next or upcoming step in the intervention process), the <br />County will incur approximately $6000 in additional consulting fees and expenses <br />related to Dr. Thompson's assistance in preparing contentions and providing expert <br />testimony. The estimated total cost for the intervention effort, through the pre- <br />hearing conference, is $31,000. <br />It has also been suggested that the County host a public information meeting on <br />Apri17`~ at the Chapel Hill Town Council meeting room. This meeting, which <br />would be video taped for cable broadcast, would feature Dr. Thompson making a <br />public presentation of his report and with additional comment and information <br />presented by David Lochbaum, a prominent nuclear safety engineer with the Union <br />of Concern Scientists. It is estimated that the County would incur another $4000 in <br />fees to Dr. Thompson (David Lockbaum would reportedly appeaz on a pro bono <br />basis) and travel and lodging expenses for Thompson and Lockbaum. <br />If the BOCC determines that County will proceed through at least the pre- <br />conference hearing and will hold a public information meeting, the total cost will be <br />approximately $35,000. The BOCC will have to allocate at least an additional <br />$3500 to have a public information meeting and to complete the pre-hearing <br />process. It is at this point where the NRC makes its determination that: a) the <br />County does or does not have standing; b) does or does not have valid contentions; <br />and c) a public hearing will or will not be held. The BOCC will then have to <br />determine if it wishes to proceed with the public. hearing process, appeal the NRC <br />decision or drop the entire issue The cost of proceeding with the intervention <br />through the hearing process is estimated to be an additional $51,000 in consulting <br />and legal fees and expenses. The total of all costs through the NRC's public <br />hearing process and including the April 7`~ public meeting is estimated to be <br />approximately $86,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends that the BOCC agree to hold a public <br />information meeting and agree to allocate an additional $5000 ($3500 to <br />cover actual projected costs with an additional $1500 for contingencies) to <br />the intervention and public information process. <br />