Orange County NC Website
%/~oL I~ <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: March 16, 1999 <br />Action Agenda , <br />Item # ~L <br />SUBJECT: Allocating additional funding for Shearon Harris permit intervention activities and <br />related public information activities <br />DEPARTMENT: County Manager <br />PUBLIC HEARING: Yes No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />County Engineer's 3/3/99 memorandum <br />County Engineer's 3/16/99 memorandum <br />BUDGET AMENDMENT: Yes No <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />County Engineer Extension 2303 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough - 732-8181 <br />Durham - 688-7331 <br />Mebane - 227-2031 <br />Chapel Hill - 967-9251/968-4501 <br />PURPOSE: To provide information to the BOCC about the need to allocate additional funding. <br />to cover the costs of the consulting and legal fees and expenses associated with the <br />County's formal intervention into the permitting of Shearon Harris spent nuclear fuel <br />storage expansion and related County-sponsored public information activities and to <br />recommend that the BOCC allocate the necessary funds. <br />BACKGROUND: To date, the BOCC has allocated $19,500 to pay the consulting and legal fees and <br />expenses related to the County's efforts to formally intervene in the permitting <br />process for CP&L's proposal to increase Shearon Harris' storage capacity for spent <br />nuclear fuel. An additional $12,000 to support the County's effort has been <br />promised (but not yet actually provided) by Durham County ($5000) and the Towns <br />of Carrboro ($2000) and Chapel Hill ($5000). Thus the funds allocated to the <br />intervention effort to this point total $31,500. <br />Approximately $25,000 in consulting and legal fees and expenses have been either <br />incurred, expended or committed (+/- $16,000 to Gordon Thompson and +/- $9,000 <br />to Diane Curran) for: 1) developing and filing the intervention petition and <br />challenge to the NRC staff's proposed fmding of "no significant additional <br />hazards"; 2) developing the legal documentation for the pre-hearing conference; <br />3) Dr. Thompson's affidavit challenging the proposed finding of "no significant <br />additional hazards"; 4) Dr. Thompson's presentation to the BOCC during its <br />deliberation on intervention; 5) Dr. Thompson's formal report on the hazards and <br />