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~~ =~ <br />•: 15 percent slope, and all of this is the second questions which is <br />mainly an evaluation of some of the administrative aspects, and whether <br />or not we are administratively pexpaxed to deal with these things and <br />if not, recommend what we need to administrate." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson continued, "to start discussion, T would <br />like that we go on record with some indication that the document does <br />generally speak to the objectives that this Board is concerned about <br />and that we not throw out the suggested amendments, but that we use <br />this as a fairly close to our objectives as far as what we are trying <br />to do. In other words, these amendments as they are now written are <br />close to what we would like to see in final print. I would qualify <br />this in terms ,of some of the questions I think could be worked on that <br />would not destroy the general intention of the document. This again is <br />-- what I said at the work session. I think that'it really is three points <br />that can be looked at in terms of the numbers. My own feeling is in <br />talking with people and in meeting the l5 percent slope could probably <br />be eliminated without xeally doing serious damage to the amendments. I <br />think the question of 5 acre lots could be looked at very seriously and, <br />perhaps have a bit more that might allow fox performance criteria in a <br />smaller lot size, and this, of course, would have to be worked out in <br />terms of how it could be administered. At least it would allow flexi- <br />bility within the residential conservation setback. That would allow <br />for lots of less than 5 acres that could meet certain performance stan- <br />dards and, three, that the number of buffers for the conservation dist- <br />ric:ts, that number might be looked at. So, in terms of the three numbers, <br />technical numbers,.Iwould add to my general." <br />Chairman Garrett interrupted by asking, "axe you saying use that <br />amendment as a starting point? Use the present document?" <br />Commissioner Gustaveson replied, "use that amendment, the different <br />districts and then take a look at the three numbers that are presently <br />in the document which, t think is where a lot of the debate is centering, <br />are on those three numbers, plus the other concern that 2 have, in that, <br />it was soma raised at the public hearing regarding some of the adminis- <br />trative procedures that I think we need to xeally take a serious look at <br />how much new administrative Kassel that we are building into the document, <br />and whether or not this is absolutely necessary, and also in a sense of <br />coordinating with this whether or not we are prepared at this point <br />administratively to deal with the...." <br />Chairman Garrett again interrupted Commissioner Gustaveson and <br />further discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Walker stated, "I think it would be a goad idea to <br />take a broader look. Now by your own admission Norm, in our last meeting <br />you said we were going about this backwards. Let's start out with the <br />same ideas that we started with in the beginning and let the Planning <br />staff go into the community. Let them go into Eno Community. Talk to <br />the people in that area and find out what they want and let the Planning <br />staff tell them what sort of framework they can work within and this is <br />the policy we started out with, Norm, and we left that policy when the <br />Board began to put all this imput in as to what they as individuals <br />wanted. We are forgetting that we are for the people and we want what <br />the people want. LE~t the people help plan. This was the policy of this <br />Planning staff when we hired it and this has been Irvin Dobson's conten- <br />tion all along to have citizen imput into it and we've taken it away <br />from the citizens and I think the two public hearings that we've had is <br />definite proof that they just did not like what we had come up with. <br />They did not have the proper imput into it and we have moved along too <br />fast and I think we've done the whole planning program an injustice and <br />it is going to take a long time to overcome the damage that we have done. <br />-- So, let's start over again like we started in the beginning and start <br />right, and let the planning, we've got the experts here, the planners <br />to do a job so let's let them perform. We are not letting them perform. <br />We've had them to come up with a program that we couldn't support and <br />they couldn't support wholeheartly and we've fended them to a crowd that <br />was vicious to them and I think we've done them a terrible injustice <br />and then to sit back and brag on what a good job they have done. You <br />know, if you ask those people that we met down there in the public hear- <br />ing they would say we've done a terrible job and matter of fact, some <br />of them said it, and it's because they did not have imput into it. We <br />talk about citizens imput, now let's exercise citizen imput and that's <br />the kind of discussion that I would like to have." <br />