Orange County NC Website
W. Ervin Yates and Marcum M. Yates - This land is located on Old <br />Hwy. 86 South. Mr. Yates is cutting a two acre tract out of a four- <br />teen acre tract. A 20 foot strip to the two acre tract will guarantee <br />access. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the plat of W. Ervin Yates <br />and Marcum M. Yates be approved. <br />Jesse Council, Sr. - This land is located in Chapel Hill Township <br />off of State Road 1944, west of Carrboro. This parcel is 1.2 acres <br />which fronts on the road. Discussion ensued concerning what portion <br />of land would be left. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the plat of Jesse Council, <br />5r., be approved. <br />Turkey Run Phase II - Preliminary Plan which is located in Chapel <br />Hill Township. The plat called for the approval of Lot 22 in its <br />entirety, and half of Lots 21,23, and 15. The remainder of Lots 21,23, <br />and 15 are located in Bingham Township. Two of the lots border on a <br />State Road and two border on Turkey Farm Road, which is to be constructed <br />to State standards shortly. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that the Turkey Run Phase II prelimi- <br />nary plat be approved. Commissioner Walker seconded the motion. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Garrett requested that a "friendly amendment" be added <br />to the motion, that the plat be approved with the understanding that <br />Turkey Run Road will be paved, and will front on a road constructed <br />to State standards. Commissioner Gustaveson agreed to the amended <br />motion. <br />The Chairman called for the vote and all members of the Board <br />voted aye. The motion was declared passed. <br />The Chairman referred to ztem 4: The Board has agreed to hear <br />` two tax accessment appeals. <br />1. Mr. H. L. Workman - The Tax Supervisor, Bill Laws, stated that <br />Mr. Workman was present. The evaluation of the house and lot was <br />$4,800. with the land valued at $1,800 and the dwelling at $3,000. <br />Mr. Workman stated that he felt the evaluation was too high because <br />the house was old and not occupied except for two rooms. He stated <br />that the house and land had at one time been evaluated at $4,100. <br />The Tax Supervisor recommended that the Board reduce this evalua- <br />tion 50 percent because of the condition of the building. The assessed <br />evaluation would be $3,300. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the Board accept the Tax Super- <br />visor's recommendation and reduce the evaluation by 50 percent. <br />Commissioner Pinney seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked that this matter be delayed until <br />another time. Discussion ensued. ~ <br />The Chairman called for the vote: Voting aye were Commissioners <br />Garrett, Pinney Walker and Whitted. Voting nay was Commissioner <br />Gustaveson. The Chairman declared the motion passed. <br />2. Ms. Mary J. Walker - The Tax Supervisor read a letter to the <br />Board from Mrs. Walker stating that due to illness she would not be <br />able to attend the meeting and requesting that her appeal be cancelled. <br />Ttem 5 on the Agenda: The Tax Supervisor was asked to investigate <br />the possibility of comparing voter registrations against tax :listings. <br />He will make a report at this time. <br />Mr. Laws stated that he had checked with other counties in the <br />area, and to his knowledge no other county in the State had undertaken <br />the task of checking voter registration against tax listing. <br />