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2. Supplement~he construction fund budget through a combination of 1997 Park Bond <br />funds and County Capital Reserve Fund Balance and direct staff to reduce the <br />project to ft that funding level. <br />Preliminary review indicates that if $100,000 were added to the project it could be <br />built without seriously jeopardizing the functional intent. Should the Board choose to <br />exercise this option, the primary change in scope of the project would be to seed the <br />multi-purpose field rather than sprig it ($55,000 savings). The balance of the money <br />would be made up through a variety of smaller changes. <br />It is notable that the Town of Chapel Hill experienced similar problems with the <br />construction of the Northem Park and it is our understanding was unable to get bidders <br />until the third solicitation. As the Board may recall, the bids for the Northern Park also <br />substantially exceeded funds budgeted by the Town. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This project is funded through 1997 bond funds. The 1999-2008 <br />CIP includes approximately $650,000 for construction of the project. Although it is <br />recommended that the staff be authorized to negotiate some changes in the scope of <br />work, thereby reducing the cost of construction, a minimum of $100,000 additional <br />appropriation will be necessary to build the park which reasonably meets the functional <br />intent of the master park plan for the area. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board exercise option #2 <br />above, in which an additional $100,000 is appropriated as follows: $50,000 from 1997 <br />Park Bond proceeds, and $50,000 from the County Capital Fund Balance; alternate #1 <br />(sprigging) and #3 (metal bollards) are specifically not taken; and staff is authorized to <br />negotiate with the contractor to bring the construction contract into line with the available <br />funding; and that the construction contracts be approved, contingent upon the final <br />contract amount not exceeding $756,000; and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of <br />the Board. <br />