Nnnatiro~nppar~l G((r``annng~~e Mutual
<br />A~~11~FN'~7H~~~F'~~ENTS: That the National Grange Mutual Insurance Company, a New I~a~~r~cd'~at~~~rYiav-
<br />ing its ~iP~@31'4r74~IdA@Tity of Keene, State of New Hampshire, pursuant to Article V, Section 2 of the By-Laws of said Company,
<br />to wit:
<br />"Section 2. The board of directors, the president, any vice president, secretary, or the treasurer shall have the power and authority
<br />to appoint attorneys-in-fact and. to authorize them to execute on behalf of the company and affix the seal of the company thereto,
<br />bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity or writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance or conditional under-
<br />taking and to remove any such attorneys-in-fact at any time and revoke the power and authority given to them. "Pursuant to
<br />said by-law does hereby make, constitute and appoint HAYWOOD G. S[MPSON JR., WILLIAM T. MILES,
<br />its true and lawful Attorneys-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed, bonds,
<br />undertakings recognizances, contracts of indemnity, or other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond subject to the following
<br />limitation:
<br />1. No one bond to exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00).
<br />and to bind the National Grange Mutual Insurance Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as i ~ruments were
<br />signed by the duly authorized officers of the National Grange Mutual Insurance Company, and all t said Attorney are
<br />hereby ratified and confirmed.
<br />This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the followi s`~ ion adopted by the Direc-
<br />tors of The National Grange Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on t day of December 1977.
<br />Voted: That the signature of any officer authorized by the By-Laws and the company y be affixed by facsimile to any
<br />power of attorney or special power of attorney or certification of either given execution of any bond, undertaking, ,
<br />recognizance or other written obligation in fhe nature thereof; such signatur al, when so used being hereby adopted
<br />by the company as the original signature of such office and the original e com~i~, to be valid and binding upon
<br />the company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed.
<br />By execution of this Power of Attorney, National Grange Mutual I Compan,~ ereby revoke, rescind and declare
<br />null and void any previous Power of Attorney at any time previ rnished ~ resaid individuals or agencies.
<br />/N W/TNESS WHEREOF, The National Grange Mutual Insurance y has caus presents to be signed by its Corporate
<br />Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 04TH d f arch THIS APPOINTMENTS LL CEASE
<br />AND TERMINATE AUTOMATICALLY AS OF DECEMBER 02, unless r e ovid ~ , ., !~,+'!!~'~!~~~plliii,
<br />hIAMPSIIIRE " IS NOT SHOWN IN ITS ENTIRE ,~(~ a ~ ~~ 1 ~ ~ 3 ~r;1~ o
<br />State of New Hampshire, County of Ches ~~j ~ p~~ f ~ ~ ~
<br />On this 04TH day of March 1999 the subs Notary Public of the State of New Hampshir ~, for the Cou t)
<br />Cheshire duly commissioned and me Wil1i~~McKenna of the National Grange Mutual Insuranc ~, ,,`
<br />personally known to be the offs ribed herei and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowl ~ ~~ t!i1E~ '' `h°
<br />of same, and being by me rn, depos a~l that he is an officer of said Company, aforesaid: that the seal a~~#~41i!~o" the`
<br />preceding instrument is c orate seal ompany, and the said corporate seal and his signature as officer were duly affixed
<br />and subscribed to the ~strument b p thority and direction of the said Company; that Article V, Section 2 of the By-Laws of
<br />said Company is orce.
<br />/N W/TNE EOF, I have unto set my hand and affixed by official seal at Keene, New Hampshire th2s~"''"~~~e""'~+,,~jr
<br />04TH day ch 1999. ~ ~` ~!, • ~•• F i' ~
<br />~(~~~j~ Notary Public •y ~~ ~T ~~ ~)'' '
<br />My Commission Expires: May ,,2803 0. o -~ i .,:
<br />I Lyn E. Landry, Assistant Vice President of the National Grange Mutual Insurance Company, do hereby ce ,rt~~~ i~cwe! $ucl a
<br />foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said Company which is still in force at~l a ~~t. : ' r., R'
<br />/N TNESS WHER OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said C at e, New ~~sliire~ tli#s,~~~,.~
<br />~~ day of ,~ NAM~'~~,~`
<br />Assists t Vice President
<br />68-N882.002 ~~
<br />WARNING -Any unauthorized reproduction or alteration of this document is prohibited. This power is void unless seals are readable
<br />and the certification seal at the bottom is embossed. The diagonal imprint, warning and confirmation must be in red ink.
<br />CONFIRMATION Of validity of attached bond, call NGM at: Keene 603-358-1339; Richmond 804-270-6611 ext. 138;
<br />Syracuse 315-434-1410.
<br />