Orange County NC Website
- - _ ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. q-a <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT ~~ <br />Meeting Date: March 16, 1999 <br />SUBJECT: Bid Award/Contract Approval; Efland Cheeks Community School Park <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing and <br />Central Services <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Bid Tabulation <br />PUBLIC HEARING: No <br />BUDGET AMENDMENT READ? Yes <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, ext. 2650 <br />Telephone Number- <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 967-9251 <br />Mebane 227-2031 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid and approving a contract for the construction <br />of the Efland Cheeks Community School Park, Efland North Carolina. <br />BACKGROUND: This bid includes Phase I of the Efland Cheeks Community-School <br />Park master plan. Primary amenities include playground area, multi-purpose playing <br />field (includes irrigation of the playing field), lighted basketball court, picnic shelter, <br />walking trail and parking areas. <br />Phase I bids were received on March 4, 1999, with three bidders responding. The base <br />bids ranged from $756,663 to $1,194,800. A tabulation of the complete results is <br />attached. <br />The original project estimate from the designer was approximately $650,000, however, <br />various changes were made after the estimate was submitted. Most of the design <br />changes were inconsequential from a cost perspective. The primary scope/cost change <br />added after the estimate was the basketball court lighting, estimated by the designer at <br />$15,000--$20,000. <br />The bid included five alternates, which are outlined as follows: <br />1. Sprigging of the multi purpose field. Sprigging is a process of placing <br />established grass into the planting surface. It allows the grass surface on the <br />playing field to be established quicker and the grass is heartier, thereby <br />minimizing the chance that the surface will need to be replanted more than <br />one time. This add alternate was bid at $55,000 and is not recommended for <br />approval. <br />2. Pervious parking surface. Due to the impervious surface requirements at <br />this site, pervious surfaces were specified in some of the lesser-trafficked <br />