Orange County NC Website
02!09/1999 18:38 9195604807 DURHAM PARTI~R <br />Orata~e Caw~tly Gwe~t'tnme~ 4 <br />P~tOPOSAL NARRATIVE <br />r~ and:Need+ The odephone survey w~l be s,oucirtc~ed wilt 600ltouseltolds dna~tout Orange <br />r, (Opel ~4 Canboror, Mme) ~ ~wdt be askedabouc&tenaed foe sarvioes <br />mgdn7drattialheltousehold. Foaa:gcxrpswillbeoatchrebodwidtocx~sandsavioeprovidersmdett~me <br />assets, attci gaps in services floc Orange Cotrty cidaaa, Specific gta>ps will be oe~x~ad ~xc Hispartec <br />with dim, as well as poaple who are ltvnneless tD find out what needs they have and the oo+'s <br />.y to t~spntd b ibeir Hoods. <br />sed Ally: To ida>tify itxlividual, fitcmly, and ootratn~ity assets, taads, acrd ~ ~ ~ <br />nsview and evahta~e aatett and &atte puiocities far the fi>~ioat of plamang, PAY ~ ~ <br />ion and igttatt <br />1; ' f~'ing: No staff will be hired. NC State Center of Urban Affairs will serve as a subcontractor <br />`complete the assessment work. <br />~~ t~eomes: To aon[htct a gateaal polxtlatiaat s+.tvey of 600 ~iaem and 12 ttxvs groups of p~ and <br />~ de~trt>itte the needs ofcttddtat , and individuals as well as the st<aogdts, wealattsses and gaps in <br />~' hiumat savi~ syslern. Once the indaartafiat ~ reparoed, we w~ wodc with v@ter fitrtdas in the Cor>oty b devebp <br />fa'bueclir~g idar~ad hanan savioe issues, A oollabor~rve evaluatioct mold wi71 be developodta dei+wrrta~eif <br />services and ptog~rrts are effective in dtattga~g behaviors, na~tg waiti<tg lists, attd improving the vv~'all <br />capaatiesofOrargeCaattyciGat~as. <br />;:: ~ ~ ~~+ ~~Y ~, p~ service agataes, Town Garner! ~ std other <br />i~{pide~s (fad, Partnasttip ~ and Cttapd Nll hint swvias ~ all save on the Steaiatg Cart>miaoe and <br />ptnvided input inb-the C~ntrntaaty+ ~ ptvoa~. The hope is that human sexviae fitadas will begirt >p <br />art priorities and sti~egies orxae the a oanple~ <br />~ wad Satiialhctlon: Marty of the Stewing t:`,arnnitoee marnhers are eatsuzters of savioes <br />foes gROUps will be oor~tcted with mrtstanerstn get their iniprt. <br />~v~ ta~ion P1aou Utn6ad W b~ e~blislt a rned~n fix' fug hu~rtan seavioes. It wt~l irtvdve the <br />oprrrerrt of oocrmuaaty pciocitie and ber~lss that Orange Coutty citi~'LS wish 1a adrie~e, eg., reduce by 5% <br />,iirattber of dv~ten wlto have beat alnaod a taegie~ed ova three yews. U~ the pads and gaps ltenne beat <br />theSLe~gCarnrnd~eewt~[beuaablet~d~anndo~tet}neeptiaities, butapcioritysettingptooessisinchicjedm <br />~ Qu~c6t~tiuns: Unread Way has ban a fiutder of latman service lxogta~ns since 1945, and is 8aterally the <br />in the Y 6o eondua Cammueotty Asst~stteRS The last "Si>apSltUt o£ Hurttart Services is O <br />' was aortduc~od by Un~ed Way rat 1994 Alsoti since 1996 the Triagle Uttieed Way has conducted a Citiam's <br />P~ceptip~t Study tv detemvrtethe views ofeorxrnnn>nity k~a~daa, swvtee prnrideis, ee~ <br />;~. ~ <br />,: u~get Nsrrstive: Orange County is the primary fender of human services. Other fenders <br />i' dude Unitod Way, Orange County Partnership for Young Children, and Town of Chapel Hill. <br />e Partnership has already committed $10,000 towards the assessment. United Way will seek <br />ding from other fenders for this project, since we intend to engage in a community priority <br />s ~ `ttg process after the assessment is completed. Funding will not be sought again until an <br />ate or new assessment is needed, approximately 3-5 years. The United Way Board voted set <br />fide fiutding each year to support this project in the future. We hope all fenders will see the <br />vlalue of a collaborative assessmrnt and begin to set aside funding for this endeavor. <br />