Orange County NC Website
02!09!1999 18:38 9195604807 <br />DURHAM PARTNER <br />Orange County Govemmant s <br />PROJECT aBSTRACT <br />I'~'oject/ A~chivity Tim <br />L)esaipticxtof Project/ Activity; I:xlcuie w+erall gae~, spedfic objectives, aid mago~r sEcabegi~ <br />TO id811l~ it faR1~y, atld COm1'R~7itY a6~8ts,1'fit~dG, al'fd 1't~~1t fi~'~ <br />and oppora~ks, and bo reyiewand EYakla~be~ltand flut~r'e prl0rtl~ea i~ol' <br />the won of p1~IlMtirlq, pofCy deiPdOpl'1'!el'It~ 1'+e®O~s'~Oe a•OCaN01t and <br />i~sbtfent <br />Wt~at~+etl~esped6~zt~e~ableoubaorne(s)iv~rttuspivject? Whatis~eevahra~onplan? <br />TO C0~1dNCt a gM1~r"ai populardan l1~v~l11 OF 600 dl~iS al'fd 12 fOCt1t; ~+ON~ Of <br />processionals a1d Cor~tn'ler'st~deb!'f'1'ilet!'1~ rt®edsOF d~+eit, f~'f~ and <br />i~dvidaals at; wrl~ a~the at~nOfhs. w~tata~es and gaps M the 1Ktntan service <br />sysbern. Onaethe intbrn~tlon it; ~'+e1lOrded, vMSvrllvr+otrtc rrNh ottkrftir~der~ in the <br />OO~a'tR1/tiDdeiwrl0l~ priorities i~arflux~irw tatn~an s~ervioe irsuesidertdEkd. f~MC1ed <br />services and prnOransvri t'seettaluatl~,d ~oae~borxni~e iFlitey areeKectiva it <br />dip behaviors, tedud~gwaibin0 ~, and fntprori~Otfie aMSr~i Aaxtioni~p <br />S~ub~ea~tracoedse~.vices(typeannda~ncYk 1110 St~be G~f~EI' fCl'' lM'b~111 Affr'1~"S <br />Told x~aztS~attftuads ~ 10000 <br />TotalFunds S 28,000 <br />Fcu~dirr~~ <br />Cash <br />Other <br />Tatai P Cost ~ 76.121 <br />11~ ~ T <br />N/A <br />~~~ R~gwest~no:r-Ora~eCou~y: S10AOQ <br />A'G~1CY IIVPORMATIOhk <br />Nameof,Ageny: Ti"iaM'1~8 tJ111bs111NaY <br />;IE <br />E. Cq[tiatt ~ Dar'1 T~ G01'1S1~1t <br />L da'RlciaY Tide: Oe Pr+®S de17t <br />~~ <br />~'rE~ 118 lMarloetSb~eel, 5uibe 400 Dultam, NC 277'1 <br />phone: ~919~ 560.7966 r~aoc 1919 7 ~: <br />-~ ihfOrRlatior~ farAnta <br />