Orange County NC Website
z <br />Additionally, County staff are proceeding with the plan to acquire a second RISC 6000 mainframe <br />computer to assist in testing and verification of the County's mainframe software applications for YX <br />compliance. The cost of the equipment, licensing agreements, and necessary first year technical support is <br />expected not to exceed $15,000. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of these two contracts and the second mainframe computer will not <br />exceed $61,000. While this funding could come from the Commissioners' contingency account, there are <br />adequate unencumbered funds in the Information Systems operating budget and the Information <br />Technology capital project to cover the costs of these Y2K preparation activities. However, as additional <br />Y2K needs are identified (for example, the recruitment of a contracted Y2K Coordinator, as endorsed by <br />the Board at the February 15, 1999 work session), consideration must be given to funding these needs <br />through the contingency account or unappropriated fund balance in the General Fund. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the contracts (with <br />funding to come from the current IS operating budget and IT capital project), subject to final review by <br />the County Attorney, and authorize the Chair to sign them. <br />