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r~ <br />The Board agreed to hear these two requests on the third <br />Tuesday meeting on October 19, 1976. <br />Late Requests for "Homestead Exemption" for.1976. <br />Mr. Laws presented the names of Mae C. Couch, Grady R. Flowers, <br />Sidney M. Gattis, Myrtie Harrell, Maude M. Watson, Marion Foushee, <br />Paul Snyder, Luther J. Edwards, Ethel Hogan and Arnold J. Himmon. <br />Mr. Laws stated that all of these requests were similar in <br />nature as they thought they had taken the $5,000 Homestead Exemp- <br />tion and through mistake did not do so. He stated that many were not <br />aware they mpst apply for this exemption. The Tax Supervisor stated <br />that many of these people were on a fixed income and he recommended <br />that the Homestead Exemption be granted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, it wnas moved tha~.t the <br />late requests for "Homestead Exemption" for 1976 be granted. Commis- <br />sioner Walker seconded the motion. <br />Voting aye on the motion were Commissioners Gustaveson, Whitted, <br />and Walker. Voting nay was Commissioner Pinney. <br />The motion was declared passed. <br />The Chairman referred to Item 4: Youth Service Needs Task Force. <br />A. The Task Farce is recommending four additional persons be <br />added to its membership: These recommendations are Pat Vandiviere, <br />a foster parent, Delores Simpson, a guidance teacher, Braxton Foushee, <br />Carrboro Alderman, and a representative of the Orange County Shex'iff <br />Department. <br />B. That Orange County provide this task force with a $550. <br />budget. The Manager recommends the appropriation of $550. be approved <br />and taken from the overall budget for task forces. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized Wes Hare, Acting Chairman of the task <br />farce. Mr. Hare stated that the budget request of $550. was for <br />various expenses incurred by the task force. He stated that the $300. <br />request would be used to visit facilities in other areas of the State <br />or in other States to research youth programs. <br />He stated that the task force had decided not to apply for the <br />monies available through the closing of the Fountain School since <br />this was a relative small amount of money and required a larger match. <br />The task force has, however, decided to ga after the two million <br />through LEAA which would require a County match of 5 percent. He <br />stated that the task force had rated four categories of priorities <br />of needs which are: 1) emergency care, 2) group home care, 3) commu- <br />nity non-residential care, and 4) specialized foster care. <br />The Chairman stated that Mr. Hare was bringing two requests to <br />the Board. One for four appointments to the Youth Services Needs <br />Task Force. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to appoint Pat Vandiviere, Deloris <br />Simpson, Braxton Foushee, and a of the Orange Caunty <br />Sheriff Department to the Youth Services Needs Task Force. <br />- The Clerk was requested to write the Sheriff's Department for <br />an appointment to the task force. <br />The second request was for approval of a $550. budget. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the budget request. Mr. Hare stated <br />that it could be that the $300. requested for visiting other facilties <br />in the State would not be needed. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson inquired if the site visits.could be left <br />opened and the task force could come back to the Board if funds were <br />needed far this purpose. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved to allocate $350. to the Task <br />Force. This motion died for lack of a second. <br />