Minutes - 19761004
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19761004
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Mary Green - Mr. Laws stated that Mrs. Green owned a lot i.n Cheeks <br />Township which laid in the right of way of Interstate 85. The land <br />actually does not exist and he recommended a refund to Mrs. Green. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and adopted that a refund of $6.51 be made to Mrs. <br />Green for the years 1974, 1975, and 1976. <br />Cynthia Thomas -- Mr. Laws stated that Ms. Thomas operated a cox <br />which was listed in her father's name in Person County. Mr. Thomas <br />had paid tax on the car in Person County and Ms. Thomas had also paid <br />tax in Orange County, however, the car had stayed in Person County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />walker, it was moved and adopted that a refund of $15.43 be made to <br />Cynthia Thomas for 1976 taxes. <br />Commissioner Pinney joined the meeting at this time. <br />• Willie Atwater - The Appraisal Company had listed Mr. Atwater with <br />a trailor, when a trailor actually was not on his property. Mr. Atwater <br />since 1974 has been paying taxes on a trailor which he has never owned. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and adopted that Mr. Atwater be granted a refund of <br />$60.00 for 1974 and 1975. <br />Commissioner Walker inquired of the Tax Supervisor the Status of <br />out-of-state vehicles which belonged to students. <br />Mr. Laws replied that the vehicles are taxed if they have been in <br />the County a significatrt part of the previous year. They are not re- <br />quired to change their licenses, since they pay out-of-state tuition. <br />They are considered out-of°state residents. Mr. Laws stated that <br />according to the Institute of Governments these students are still <br />taxable here if they spend more than half of the preceding year before <br />the listing period in the County, however, it was difficult to know <br />that they are here unless they volunteer to list. <br />Commissioner Walker inquired if there could be a coordination <br />between the voter's registration and motor vehicles to see if out-of- <br />state students have listed vehicles as personal property. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated that he wondered if this action would <br />be worth the trouble. <br />Mr. Laws said that this would take a good deal of time and would <br />mean that he would need additional staff. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he felt this needed to be done <br />that if a person had the pr vilege to vote in the County, he should <br />pay his taxes. He recommended to the Board to increase Mr. Laws' <br />staff to do this if needed. <br />Discussion ensued. Mr. Laws was requested to investigate this <br />matter and to make a recommendation to the Board. <br />Mr. Laws referred to the Request for Release of Late Listing. <br />Penalty for Mrs. Julian Ray. Mr. Laws stated that Mrs. Ray contended <br />that her listing was lost in the mail. The Tax Supervisor stated that <br />there was a $25.00 late listing penalty. Mr. Laws recommended that <br />this refund be made. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated that in the past, late listing penalty <br />refunds had been denied. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the Late Listing Penalty of $25.00 <br />for Mrs. Julian Ray be released. Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the <br />motion. Voting aye on the motion were Commissioners Gustaveson, Whitted, <br />and Walker. Voting nay was Commissioner Pinney. <br />The motion was declared passed. <br />The Tax Supervisor asked the Soard to schedule a date to hear the <br />requests for review of 1976 valuations of H. L. Workman and Mary J. <br />Walker. <br />
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