Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />Board of Commissioners <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No.~_ <br />Action Agenda Item Abstract <br />Meeting Date: March 16,1999 <br />Subject: Resolution on State Reorganization of Environmental Health Programs <br />Department: HEALTH <br />Attachments(s): Resolution <br />Public Hearing Yes X No <br />Budget Amendment Needed Yes X No <br />Information Contact: <br />Health Director's Office X2411 <br />Telephone Number <br />Hillsborough-732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill - 968-4501 <br />Mebane - 227-2031 <br />Durham - 688-7331 <br />Purpose: To adopt a resolution and forward to key players at the state level voicing support for keeping <br />environmental health programs together in DHHS. <br />Background: Two years ago, the NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources reorganized and <br />split into two departments -the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the NC Department of <br />Health and Human Services. At that time no decision was made regarding the placement of environmental health <br />programs; rather a "stakeholders group" was appointed to study the issue and make recommendations to the state <br />regazding placement of these programs. Last spring, stakeholders issued a white paper recommending keeping <br />environmental health programs together under the direction of the Department of Health and Human Services. <br />The white paper concepts received support of organizations listed in the resolution, including the NC Association <br />of Boazds of Health and the NC Association of County Commissioners. Three environmental programs that are <br />health-related are the food and lodging program, on-site wastewater and public water supply. Food and lodging <br />has been placed in DHHS; at issue are the on-site wastewater program and water supply program, which the <br />Secretaries of the two departments are recommending be placed in DENR The public health community would <br />like these resolutions adopted reinforcing the positions of key stakeholders in this process. <br />The split between two state departments would increase the burden at the local level for efficient administration of <br />these programs. Reporting authorities as well as regulatory authority would be split between two state-level <br />commissions responsible for different aspects of environmental programs. <br />Recommendation: The Manager recommends that the Boazd adopt the resolution and forwazd it to the <br />appropriate organizations. <br />