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7 <br /> develop the tools necessary to make Orange County the preferred location for this sector's <br /> development. These steps may include: <br /> Decide if incentives will be utilized to recruit potential solar businesses, and if so, what type, <br /> and take immediate action to assure their availability; <br /> Ensure the Economic Development District (EDD) infrastructure is in place to support growth <br /> of this sector; <br /> Continue supporting DTCC in development of a solar-focused curriculum based on the <br /> Orange County DTCC campus; <br /> Ensure that government officials publicly communicate their support for development of a <br /> solar cluster; and <br /> Support solar businesses located in Orange County by utilizing their services as possible in <br /> government operations. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Anita Badrock <br /> Chair, Economic Development Commission <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she understood that Carrboro Alderman Randee Haven- <br /> O'Donnell, a member of the Economic Development Commission, had proposed the idea of <br /> the solar cluster. Anita Badrock agreed and acknowledged her contributions. <br /> Commissioner Nelson thanked in particular new staff member Dottie Schmitt, who <br /> wrote the report. He asked about the next steps. Anita Badrock said that the next step would <br /> be to instruct the Economic Development staff on what questions the Board has and how the <br /> County Commissioners would like the staff to move forward. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she was pleased to see this report and it does meet <br /> the goals of the revised comprehensive plan. She said that in the report, a lot of companies <br /> that are related to solar power are smaller companies. She asked about the inquiries from <br /> companies and if they are willing to move to Orange County. <br /> Economic Development Director Brad Broadwell said that smaller firms in the RTP have <br /> inquired as well as companies in other areas of the country. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that this report is a good start. He suggested mentioning <br /> the locations on page nine. He said that this area is pretty much equidistant to the Triad as to <br /> RTP. He made reference to page two of the report where it talks about, "a vocal community <br /> that desires to preserve the County's rural character," and he said that this comes across as a <br /> handicap, and he does not see it as a handicap. He suggested rewording this. He agreed <br /> with Commissioner Nelson about having more clarity on the next steps <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz suggested that one way to show support for this proposal is to <br /> act on suggestions that come forward from the EDC on this issue. He encouraged the EDC to <br /> bring back suggestions so that the Board can show its support. <br /> Chair Foushee said that the staff will come back with suggestions. <br /> c. Proclamation Recognizing Clerk to the Board Donna Baker and Declaring <br /> May 3 through May 9, 2009 as "County Clerks Week" in Orange County <br />