Minutes - 19760921
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19760921
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Commissioner Whitted stated that questions he was concerned with <br />were: 1. Is it legal, 2. De we have the non-taxed funds to do it, <br />and 3. If the answer to Commissioner Gustaveson's question is in the <br />affirmative, can we work out an arrangement, not only with Orange- <br />Chatham Comprehensive Health, but with the District Health Department <br />in supplying health services. He stated that whether or not this is <br />legal needs to be clarified first. <br />Further discussion ensued concerning using County funds to finance <br />a private facility. <br />Commissioner Pinney moved that this matter be referred to the <br />County Attorney to answer these basic questions and report back to <br />the Board an the first Monday in October. The motion was seconded <br />by Commissioner Whitted. <br />The Chairman called for the vote on the motion and all members of <br />the Board voted aye. The motion was declared passed. <br />Commissioner Whitted explained that one area that he wished the <br />County Attorney would explore was the possibility of using the Medical <br />Foundation by the Sheriff's Department for examination of prisoners. <br />He stated that if the County invested $10,000 in the Foundation, he <br />felt it reasonable to expect service for the Sheriff's Department. <br />The County Attorney asked the Board of Commissioners specific <br />concerns they would like him to explore regarding public health <br />delivery system. He stated that the motion passed was that the County <br />Attorney was to explore with Attorney Dalton Loftin the possibility <br />of there being accomodations within the Medical Foundation (physical <br />facilities) comprehensive public health delivery systems. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that to summarize, would the <br />Foundation encourage or possibly have a multiplicity of delivery systems <br />within the Foundation. For instance, a clinic operated by one of the <br />hospitals to provide training opportunities for interns, or some new, <br />yet unthought of arrangement. He stated that another concern was to <br />have some assurances from the Foundation Board that this would be part <br />of the conditions for having a practice .in the Hillsborough area. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item 5: The Manager recommends the <br />Board of Commissioners accept the recommendation of the Orange County <br />Emergency Medical Council, that the County execute a contract with <br />Motorola for the purchase of radio equipment necessary to::implement <br />an emergency communications system, and authorize the Chairman to <br />execute the contracts necessary to implement this purchase. <br />The Chairman recognized William H. Heriford, President of Orange <br />County Emergency Medical Services. Mr. Heriford stated that what is <br />being presented to the Board is a proposal for implementation of develop- <br />ing the most comprehensive and clearly illustrated emergency medical <br />communication system in the County. He stated that basically, the <br />system provided single access far emergency communication, provides the <br />central dispatch and the capability for pass-off dispatch, provides for <br />the emergency medical services. <br />Mr. Heriford introduced Dick Beauchaine, Tom Gardner and Dr. Tvm <br />Griggs, of the Emergency Medical Services Council, who reviewed with <br />the Board the proposal. <br />A question and answer period ensued concerning the radio equip- <br />ment. <br />Commissioner Pinney questioned the use of microwave equipment <br />verus telephone lines. Discussion ensued. <br />The Board was informed that the Emergency Medical Services had <br />sought the advise of a consultant from Greensboro who did have experi- <br />ence with microwave equipment, as well as others throughout the area <br />who also had microwave experience, and all agreed that microwave was <br />reliable. _. <br />
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