Orange County NC Website
"no damage" standard (except as covered by (3) <br />above) and may be required to design and <br />construct additional facilities to bring the <br />development into compliance. <br />It has been noted that if the Board wishes to accept <br />the change to the stormwater design standard, <br />companion changes will be needed for Section 15- <br />262 and Appendix I of the Land Use Ordinance. <br />c) Establishes Northern Transition Area stream <br />buffer requirements in the text of the ordinance, <br />rather than through the creation of an overlay <br />zone. <br />24 15 -27 Specifies that NTAAC submits regular reports to <br />Orange County BOCC, that BOCC appoints 3/5 <br />members, and that members are limited to no more <br />than two consecutive three -year terms. <br />11711i�1f0 $fJARi7wtlEtlLl3.RMEiu. . , 114 <br />�At3F Jt�fi',�I9�S� <br />