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1 unloading occurs during daylighthours only. <br />2 <br />3 d. When an O/A CU rezoning petition is submitted (in accordance with Article XX of <br />4 this chapter), the applicant shall simultaneously submit a -conditional use permit <br />5 application for an officelassembly planned development <br />6 <br />7 1. The rezoning and conditional use permit applications shall be processed and <br />8 reviewed concurrently. <br />9 <br />10 2. The board of aldermen shall simultaneously conduct a public hearing on the <br />11 rezoning and conditional use permit applications, in accordance with the <br />12 procedures applicable to other conditional use permit applications. <br />13 <br />14 3. If the Board concludes in the exercise of its legislative discretion that the <br />15 proposed rezoning would not be consistent with the public health, safety, or <br />16 welfare, it may deny the application in accordance with the same procedures <br />17 applicable to any ordinance amendment request. <br />18 <br />19 4. The Board may not approve the rezoning application unless it simultaneously <br />20 app roves a conditional use permit for an office/assembly planned <br />21 development, which permit may be issued subject to reasonable conditions <br />22 and requirements a set forth in Section 15-59. <br />23 <br />14 e. Buildings within the O/A CU district shall comply with the following standards: <br />25 <br />26 1. Exterior walls shall be constructed of materials commonly used on the <br />27 exterior walls of single-family residences (such as brick, stone, wood or <br />28 fabricated residential lap siding made of hardboard or vinyl). <br />29 <br />30 .2. The pitch of the roof shall have a minimum vertical rise of one foot for every <br />31 two feet of horizontal run. <br />32 <br />33 3. Windows shall be of a scale and proportion typical of single-family <br />34 residences. <br />35 <br />36 SECTION 9. Section 15-146 (Table of Permissible Uses) is amended by adding a new classification <br />37 33.000 entitled "Office/Assembly Planned Development" and by adding the following language across the <br />38 table opposite this use classifications: "Permissible only in Office/ Assembly Conditional Use Districts (see <br />39 Subsection 15- 136(11) pursuant to a conditional use permit)." <br />40 <br />41 SECTION 10. The first sentence of Subsection 15-325(1) is amended to read as follows: "Except <br />42 when 'the request is to rezone property to a conditional use district, the Board shall not consider any <br />43 representations made by the petitioner that, if the change is granted, the rezoned property will be used for <br />44 only one of the possible range of uses permitted in the requested classification." <br />45 <br />46 SECTION 11. The title of Part I of Article M is amended to read 'Non-Residential Performance <br />alage 22 of 35 <br />