Orange County NC Website
lot of less than ten (10) acres. <br />3. The gross floor area in the ADU shall not exceed 900 square feet. <br />4. Exterior fire -exit stairs are prohibited on any side of ADUs except at <br />their rear. <br />5. All off -stmt parking for ADUs shall be located to the side or rear and <br />shall be visually screened, from adjoining properties and from all <br />streets. <br />(6) Roads and Streets. <br />a. Street patterns within the village mixed use shall be a rectilinear network of <br />streets, interconnected with clear, direct, understandable patterns, with <br />variations as needed for topographic and environment and other valid design <br />consideration. <br />b. Streets shall be designed generally to: <br />1. Parallel and preserve existing fence lines, tree lines, hedgerows and <br />stone walls. <br />2. Minimize alteration of natural site features. <br />3. Secure the view to prominent natural vistas. <br />4. h4inimize the area devoted to vehicle travel: <br />5. Promote pedestrian movement so that it is generally more convenient <br />to walk short distances than to drive. <br />6. Be aligned so that the "terminal vista" is of open space features, either <br />man -made (greens, commons), natural (meadows, large trees in <br />distance), or a community structure of significance. <br />C. With the exception of loop roads, all neighborhood and local streets shall <br />terminate at other streets within the village proper and shall provide <br />connections to existing or proposed through streets or collectors outside the <br />village proper where practical. Loop roads, as defined in this chapter, are <br />specifically allowed. <br />d. Sidewalks shall be provided as required in Article X N of this chapter. <br />e. Sidewalk widths shall be at least six feet in retail/commercial areas, and at <br />least five feet in residential, as well as townhouse, areas. <br />Page 18 of 3S <br />