Orange County NC Website
Dr. Pinkerton stated that the Council on Aging would provide <br />transportation for the Center and Joint Orange-Chatham Community <br />Action would continue to provide their Meals on Wheels Program. <br />Evelyn DuBose of the Social Services Staff spoke of the continued <br />need for the Life Enrichment Program. <br />One unidentified male, who is a participant of the Life Enrich- <br />ment program, spoke of the help the program had been to himself and <br />others. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the expenditures of the Social Ser- <br />vices Department for their Title XX program. <br />Mr. Gattis requested that Neal Evans, Tom Ward and himself have <br />a brief work session. <br />Commissioner Whitted stated that he felt that at some point early <br />next year, the County should receive some indication of what their <br />funding level will be from Title XX. This way the County would <br />prioritise their programs. <br />Mr. Stewart replied that the program of allocations would be handled <br />better next year and that the State was aware of the bind in which the <br />Counties were being placed. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson inquired if it was realistic to assume that <br />the second or third reallocation would be in the amount of $200,000. <br />Mr. Stewart replied that it is reasonable to expect this magnitude <br />of reallocation. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the method of reallocation and . <br />a new Day Care Bill recently signed by President Ford which could poss- <br />ibly mean additional funds for day care programs in North Carolina. <br />Deanna Bullard of the Social Services Staff spoke of the need for <br />Day Care Centers in Orange County. 'She stated that there was a waiting <br />list in the Day Care Program because of the Title XX cutback. <br />The County Manager summarized the result of his brief work session <br />with the Finance Director and the Social Service Director. <br />He stated that the County had already received its first allocation. <br />The probelm with the forthcoming reallocations is their quanity, and he <br />felt the reallocations would be relatively small. He stated further that <br />the Commissioners should consider the question of priorities. Which pro- <br />grams are we going to fund. Should the reallocations be given all to <br />Social Services or to program contractors. Mr. Gattis stated that it was <br />true that there was no risk in the ultimate sense that the County will <br />overspend the budget if it continues the contracts on a quarterly basis <br />and at some point we find we do not have sufficient monies to continue, <br />and at that point, we have six months to work out any financial deficit <br />but cutting back, perhaps with Social Services expenditues. He stated <br />that the Board is confronted with a calculated risk. He told the Commis- <br />sioners if they felt there would be a large enough allocation to come, <br />they might want to take the risk, however, if not they might want to <br />curtail some of the programs. The County Manager suggested that the <br />Board might want to consider a side agreement with Frank Porter Graham. <br />That the agreement would not become operable until the County knows if <br />they can meet their Title XX budget. He stated further that if the County <br />was forced to terminate the Contracts, there was enough monies available <br />in the Social Services budget to provide day care for the children in <br />the Frank Porter Graham School. <br />Dr. Gallagher reminded the Board that what Frank Porter Graham was <br />requesting fox a quarterly allocation was in the neighborhood of between <br />$30,000 and $35,000. He stated that in the prospect of a million dollar <br />budget $35,000 is not a risk. <br />Commissioner Pinney inquired of Dx. Gallagher if Frank Porter Graham <br />was willing to take a risk by providing funds for Frank Porter Graham <br />until November and then if a reallocation was made, Frank Porter Graham <br />would be reinbursed. <br />Dr. Gallagher stated that he felt Frank Porter Graham would be then <br />