Orange County NC Website
Facility Use Policy <br />KG <br />5. Governmental agencies or units at the Federal, State and Local level will be permitted <br />to use facilities pursuant to fee schedule and regulations. (CONTRACT NEEDED) <br />6. Private, organized community groups and non-profit organizations will be permitted <br />to use facilities pursuant to fee schedule and regulations. (CONTRACT NEEDED) <br />7. Organizations operated for private gain or any purpose involving gain shall be permitted <br />to use facilities only when a worthwhile educational, civic, or charitable purpose will be <br />served or when a substantial group of citizens in the community will benefit. <br />(CONTRACT NEEDED) <br />8. No user group may sub-let the use of school facilities. <br />9. Religious organizations may use school facilities on the same basis as private, non-profit <br />groups. <br />At no time shall religious-oriented material be disseminated in any manner to students and/or <br />staff. (CONTRACT NEEDED) <br />A. The use of facilities by religious groups for instructional and/or religious purposes will <br />be restricted to temporary and emergency uses. For purposes of this section the Director <br />of Community Schools may approve use for up to five times within a thirty day period. <br />Requests for greater use of facilities may only be approved by the Board of Education upon <br />a showing that the group does not seek extended or permanent use of school facilities. <br />(A one year limit shall exist for a contract for the use of a school facility by any specific <br />group. If a request for renewal is submitted, such request shall be treated as a new application). <br />(CONTRACT NEEDED) <br />B. Emergency use shall mean the use of facilities in cases where an organization's permanent <br />facilities are unavailable for use due to damage by fire, flooding or other natural disaster. <br />To receive approval for emergency use of school facilities, the group must demonstrate <br />diligence in securing new facilities or repairing damaged facilities. <br />10. Any group or individual desiring to have any one time fee waived shall make written appeal <br />to the Orange County Board of Education. A copy of the approved or disapproved waiver will be <br />forwarded to the Director of Community Schools. and the Community Schools Office will notify <br />the applicant. <br />11. The Orange County Board of Education is not responsible for injuries, illness or losses to <br />parties resulting from use of facilities under this policy. - <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />