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<br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item 5: Dr. C. S. Fuller, District <br />Health Direct4.r, will report the fundings of his department during <br />the investigation of the complaint, filed by Mr. David Squires, con- <br />cerning sanitary practices employed at a farm adjacent to this property. <br />Mrs. Garrett recognized Dr. C. 5. Fuller, who stated that he had <br />visited the farm in question on two different occasions and that he <br />could fund no evidence of any type of nuisance at all and that the <br />farm was a well runned operation. He spoke of the operational pro- <br />cedures for this farm and stated that the owners were following the <br />recommended procedure for disposing of waste material. He added that <br />Mr. Mann, the owner, had assux'ed the Health Department that no waste <br />would be dumped between the property lines of the Manns and the Squires, <br />and that no additional waste material would be brought in from <br />Alamance County to be spread on the fields. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item 6: Mrs. Robin Andrews, Chair- <br />person of the Orange County Bicentennial Commission, will make a report <br />of the activities of that Commission. <br />Chairman Garrett recognized Mrs. Robin Andrews, and Mr. Eddie Rowland, <br />a member of the Bicentennial Commission. Mrs. Andrews reviewed the <br />various programs and activities the Bicentennial Commission has sponsored <br />during the past months and spoke of the activities planned for the future. <br />She stated that the present undertaking was the publishing of a histori- <br />cal map for Orange County, which would hava a printed booklet to go along <br />with it. The map is the most comprehensive collection of County data <br />ever made and covers the County for the past two hundred and twenty-four <br />years. Mrs. Andrews stated that the Committee wished to promote projects <br />that would make Orange County a better place in which to live. <br />Eddie Bowland stated that the historical map was ready to go to <br />the printer. There was not yet an estimate of the cost of the printing, <br />but it was hopeful- that the map would be sold. He requested that the <br />Commissioners back the publication of the map. Discussion ensued con- <br />cerning the proper method of handling the financing. Mr. Bowland was <br />requested to bring cost estimates for the publishing of the map back <br />to the Board. The Board was reminded of the up-coming Colonial Ball <br />to be held on October 2, 1976, at the Colonial Iss. - <br />Mrs. Garrett referred to Item 7 on the Agenda: Ms. Carol Rone, <br />representing the Commission on the Status of Women, will report activities <br />of this group. <br />Ms. Rone reported that for the last Four months the Commission on <br />the Status of Women had been working an a survey that the Commission had <br />decided to administer throughout the Gounty to women in order to find <br />out what problems existed. The survey will be completed soon and then <br />the Commission members would visit women organizations and church groups <br />in the County to administer the survey. After the survey has been admini- <br />stered, task forces will be set up in the five different areas of interest. <br />She stated that one of the problems now was the need for an office, a <br />place where the members could receive calls. <br />Ms. Rone inquired of the Commissioners exactly what is the charge <br />to the Commission on the Status of Women? <br />Chairman Garrett stated that she felt the charge was to survey the <br />County and assess the needs where women are concerned and then to came <br />back to the Commissioners with recommendations. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated he felt the present Commission <br />were carrying out the charge by the survey which will be administered. ` <br />He stressed the need to look at Orange County as a whole and not one. <br />specific area, and to work on assessing the needs that had not already <br />been looked at. <br />Ms. Rone stated that another problem was that all the Commission <br />members were not active. The Commission members were asked to submit <br />to the Board of Commissioners a list of those members who were not <br />active with recommendations of persons who would be helpful to the <br />Commission. <br />The Chairman referred to Item 8: The State Department of Transporta- <br />tion has submitted the following recommendations to the Board of Commis- <br />sioners: <br />