Orange County NC Website
-3- <br />Within the stricture of the five sub - committees, Task Force members addressed <br />the following goals and objectives: <br />(1) To look at methods to appropriately identify LEP students, assessing their <br />language proficiency, and diagnosing their instructional needs. <br />(2) To identify resources to assist administrators in becoming more <br />knowledgeable of IegaVeducational issues and to implement <br />practices and procedures to assure more culturally and educationally <br />responsive programs for LEP students. <br />(3) To identify strategies to coordinate and provide equal access to all <br />school system programs and services for LEP students. <br />(4) To establish consistency in the criteria for entry/exit of LEP students into <br />the English as a. Second Language (ESL) Program. <br />(5) To develop a demographic profile of the school system's Limited <br />English Proficient Population. <br />(6) To develop recommendations of- delivery models and <br />strategies for serving multi-lanyuage LEP populations. <br />(7) To collect feedback from the community and educators on: <br />a. the educational needs of Limited English Proficent students as <br />perceived by parents and teachers (ESL and mainstream <br />teachers) <br />b. the perception of LEP families of the Chapel HIII- Carrboro <br />City Schools; and <br />C. educational strategies that the community believes might be <br />successful with students from different countries and cultures. <br />(8) To identify community resources upon whiob the school system can draw <br />to address the needs of Limited English Proficient students. <br />(9) To identify resources and services for translating documents in the <br />most common languages in the school system. <br />(10) To identify a pool of volunteers or other resources to use as translators <br />for LEP students and their families as needed. <br />01) To identify professional development programs and training activities for <br />mainstream teachers that will help them adapt content area instruction for <br />the LEP learners in their classrooms. <br />