Orange County NC Website
13.~prog~aet ,ln tks space provided, diseribr flee <br />' Delcriptios day-tu.dayac[ivitiuoJdtt <br />program <br />First Step Sanctions Center <br />PreTrial Services <br />A• IndividLl~i cacP nlanninq -interviewing in fail <br />B. IMS data entry b~kgroun <br />~prificatinn <br />-~ <br />D_ Treatment team meetings <br />C 'ent cane nni-°a <br />reports , <br />-collect available <br /> ~ <br />prepared criminal history <br /> urine screens or <br />~ er~gettt' feedbac <br />-consult D.A./Magistrate <br />F. Relapse preventin plan- when appropriate <br />G. Didactic process substance -prompt-info. to judic- <br /> <br />H_ a~use rea ment+CBT 99-2000 <br />rafPrral a fa <br />;ri 1 it3t@C~-4~k1Gi' nary requests <br /> , <br />indicated rehab. services -IMS data entry <br /> <br />~T~ ~o in in referral <br />evening and day reg. outpatient sub. <br />-notify jail staff of <br /> <br />stance abuse treat. group _ <br />relevant impending in- <br />' <br />L <br /> <br />. . <br />- <br />- _-=~ <br />in family or suicidal <br />14. Te-Rgcled ,ln flee tpaes proviekd, describe the <br />PopeaAeeNon tae~etpoptlattoee,ANDtJleeateaoe~ <br />Usree~l~eHon bring taken to atreers tArat the <br />a,~roprlate target popwlatFon it <br />beingsarvsd First Step Sanctions <br />Center <br />iaeation <br />-monitoring of client ck <br />in/notify clerk's of- <br />fice of non-compliance <br />PreTrial Services <br />inmates detained pre- <br />es a special conai>:ion o= pronat:ion, Chatham County Jails. <br />e sen ence o en er requ re o• <br />participate in First Step Sanctions <br />Center is a substance abusing offend- Interview only inmates <br />r with aigr-ifinanf• im=airmpnta <br />*Meetings with judiciary probation <br />and the:Defense Bar to educate these <br />' g~~irn°Q r°1 °Y~lit' t0 SQA1'°nn~^g-tl]° <br />appropriate population are ongoing. <br />Related agencies such as TASC are <br />i n corm d as tc~.-_ t1?P anPCi f i c cl i Pn <br />population. <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />