Orange County NC Website
<br />3 <br />Case Management <br />Drug Testing X <br />Admin. Fees <br />Pretrial Treatment <br />Projed Income <br />Does your program have or require <br />any of the fallowing to be funded <br />by CJPP? <br />~"X" all that aPPIY) <br />This information is requested <br />for grant application evaluation <br />purposes. <br />Are flare arty anticipated chances in <br />the jollawingpiogram componaets <br />jrom last year's program? <br />~'xt au that apply) <br />I. Program Goals and Objectives 7. Program Staffing <br />2 x Program Activities 8. Contrails <br />3 x # ojOjfenders Served 9 MOA's <br />4. Offenders Targded 1 Q Othtr <br />S. Program Administration 1 Z Othtr <br />~ Administrative Fees 12 Olhtr <br />