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Mrs. Garrett stated that she agreed, however, Mr. Dashmen had <br />requested a letter of endorsement in order to receive funds which <br />were available through LEAA and she felt the entire Board should be <br />aware of the program and be given an opportunity to ask questions of <br />Mr. Dashman. <br />Mr. Dashman reviewed the background of his proposal and stated <br />that he was requesting an endorsement in order to obtain a planning <br />grant through the Manpower CETA Program. He stated that his proposal <br />was under consideration by the. Task Farce, and that he hoped to obtain <br />an agreement from the Commissioners that various agencies within the <br />County be utilized as draw through sources of moines for his agency, <br />who would supply the local match, when required. The program would be <br />phased-in slowly. Mr. Dashman stated that the cast for a child placed <br />in the residential program would be approximately $8,000 per year. <br />Commissioner Pinney questioned the cost of $8,000 per child per <br />year. He stated that around the State the cost for group homes usually <br />was between $6,000 and $7,000. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the care received in the group homes. <br />Commissioner Walker inquired about "North Town, Inc.", how it <br />came into existance. <br />Mr. Dashman replied that "North Town, Inc." came about after dis- <br />cussions with a number of professional people in the area concerning <br />the needs in the community.. Mr. Dashman stated that he had a Bachelor <br />and Masters Degree in Phycology and had worked in the field of special <br />education for eleven years in and around New York. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the Staff required by Mr. Dashman <br />to carry out his proposal, and the different sources of financing <br />his proposal. <br />Mr. Dashman stated that he was not associated with Family Planning, <br />Inc., and that funds were available through Manpower not throuth LEAA. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he felt Mr. Dashman's proposal <br />should be put in prospective in terms of the work which. the Youth <br />Service Needs Task Force is doing. <br />The Board agreed that the Service and Program Prospectus of Mr. <br />Dashman should be forwarded to the Youth Service Needs Task Force for <br />their review and recommendation at the earliest possible time. <br />The Chairman referred to Item X. The Planning Director and staff <br />will review in detail proposed changes in the planning ordinance and <br />map that will be submitted at the public hearing on the 31st. <br />Chris Edwards, of the Planning Staff, presented to the Commissioners <br />a list of locations to tour. The Board agreed to make the first tour on <br />Thursday, September 2, 1976, in the afternoon. <br />Charlie Johnston, Chairman of the Orange County Planning Board <br />raised the question as to whether or not the County's Land Use Plan <br />should be adapted before the new amendments to the Zoninq Ordinance <br />are adopted. Discussion ensued. <br />mhe Planning Airector, Ervin Dobson, stated that General Statutes <br />Article 20B, Section 153-266.12, referring to zoning says that such <br />regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan and <br />designed to lessen congestion in the street and secure safety, etc. <br />He quoted from Section 153-266.15 where there is a reference to pre- <br />paration of a zoning plan by a Board and in certain counties, commis- <br />: sinners. mhe County Planning Board or joint Planning Board shall <br />have the duty of preparing the zoning plan including both the full <br />text of the Zoning Ordinance and a map or maps showing proposed dis- <br />trict boundaries. The Planning Board shall hold such public hearings <br />as it deems necessary in the course of preparing this plan. The Plan- <br />ning Board shall certify this plan to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Mr. Dobson stated that on the 31st, the plan would be presented along <br />with the text and maps and show just how each zoning district would <br />apply to the plan." <br />