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~_~:~ <br />_, levies, and assessments levied upon the BUILDING <br />' - and PP.E~?ISES durir_g the TEP.M of this lease, or any <br />extension hereof, and in the event of default, <br />TENANT, at its election, may pay the same and deduct <br />the amount thereof, together with any penalties and <br />interest tahich may have been paid by TENANT, from <br />' the RENT next accruing hereunder.. <br />(c) It is expressly understood and agreed <br />that the RENT herein xeserved is based upon in- <br />sur~.nce rates, ad valorem tax rates and property <br />' valuation prevailing during the first year of <br />occupancy under this lease. In the event that <br />said insurance rates, tax rates or property va1- <br />uation are thereafter decreased during the TERM <br />of this lease, ox any extension hereof, LANDLORD <br />shall credit to the account of TENANT an amount <br />equal to any resulting decrease in cost of insur- <br />an~e or taxes. In the event said insurance rates, <br />tax rates, or property valuation are thereafter <br />increased during the TERM of this ].ease, or any <br />extension hereof, TENANT shall pay to LANDLORD, <br />as additional rental, an amount equal to any re~ <br />suiting increase in cost of insurance or taxes. <br />It is further agreed, however, if TENANT shall pay <br />or become bound and obligated to pay to LANDLORD <br />as additional rental far any lease year during <br />which such increase in cost of insurance or taxes <br />' shall occur, a percentage RENT aver and above the <br />annual base, fixed, or guaranteed minimtua RENT <br />herein reserved, LANDLORD shall apply or credit in <br />payment thereof the percentage RENT paid or re- <br />' quired to be paid by TENANT. <br />MERCHANTS' 22. If there should be established an association <br />ASSOCIATION of the merchants engaged in business in the <br />SHOPPING CENTER, TENANT agrees that it shall main' <br />fain membership in said association and make annua%. <br />contributions thexeto in accordance with the sch2d- <br />ule of rates determined by the governing board of <br />' such Merchants' Association. TENANT shall abide by <br />all decisions made by and will adapt store hours <br />prescribed by said MERCHANTS' ASSOCTATTON and <br />approved by LANDLORA. TENANT shall conduct and <br />operate its said business in a manner in keeping <br />with the dignity and reputation of the SHOPPING <br />CENTER and will make all reasonable effort to work <br />harmoniously with other merchants in the SHOPPING <br />CENTER. <br />ALTERATIONS 23. TEN_~1NT may make minor alterations to the <br />interior.of the PREMISES sa that the same shall <br />_ cor_form to the uses of said business, provided <br />such alterations shall be paade at the expense <br />of TENANT with the prior approval of and under <br />the supervision of LANDLORA'S architect ox can- <br />tractax. <br />-11- <br />