fail to substantially comp7.ete the same within
<br />said ninety (90) days, dua all.awance being made
<br />fox delay due to practical. i.,-npassibility, either
<br />LANDLORD or TE~dANT, by ~~rritten r_atiCe tv the other ,
<br />given within fifteer_ (15) days next follo*aing the _
<br />last day o~ said ninety (90) day period, nay ter-~
<br />urinate the TERM hereof as of the date of such fi;:<
<br />or casualty. In the event of termination of the -.
<br />TERT1 hereof pursuant to this paragraph, base, .
<br />fixed, or guaranteed minimum RENT, if any, rese~:ve_.
<br />hereunder shall be apportior_ed an a per diem basis
<br />-and paid to the date of such fire or casualty, and
<br />percentage REPJT, if any, shall be paid to the de.te
<br />of termination. The right of terminatior. hexein
<br />provided is separate and independent of any otc-er
<br />provisions of this lease relative to termination..
<br />USE OF NAPS 20. TENANT shall not use oz permit others on its
<br />APID PICTURES OF behalf to use the name of the PREMISES, the BUILD-
<br />PREMISES, BUILD- ING, or the SHOPPING CENTER for any' purpose other
<br />ING, OR SHOPPING than as the address of the business to be conducts.
<br />CENTER in or at said PRyMTSES ar to use any picture or
<br />liker_ess of the PREMISES, the BUILDING, or the
<br />SHOPPING CENTER, or any part of any of the same
<br />in any advertisement, notice, correspor_denca, ar
<br />^ther type of announcement or corumunication with
<br />out the prior wzitten consent of LANDLORD. TENANT
<br />shall not have or acquixe any property xight ar
<br />interest in ar to any name ox distinctive designa-
<br />tion which may became identified ar associated cry..:
<br />the business to be conducted in or at said PREri?:.::
<br />if such name or distinctive designation shall can.
<br />tain as a part thereof the name or distinctive d¢-
<br />signation oz any reference to the PREMISES, the
<br />BUILDING, the SHOPPING CENTER, or any part of com-
<br />bination of parts of any of ,the same, but all pro-
<br />peaty xights and rights of use of such name or
<br />distinctive designation shall be and remain the
<br />property of LANDLORD.
<br />INSURANCE 21. (a) LANDLORD, during the TERN of this lease, -
<br />ANA TAXES ar any extension hereof, at its own sale cast and -
<br />expense, shall keep the BUILDING and PREMISES in-
<br />sured to the extent of its full insurable value
<br />against loss ar damage by fire, with extended cover
<br />age. TENANT during the TERM hereof, at its own
<br />sole cost and expense, shall keep all furniture,.
<br />fixtures, and equipment whether supplied ar own.ed
<br />by TENANT or by LANDLORD, and, in addition, all
<br />glass farming a part o~ the PREMISES, including,
<br />but not limited to, plate glass, insured to the
<br />extent of its full insurable value thereof against
<br />loss oz damage by fire, with extended coverage.
<br />(b) LANDLORD shall promptly pay as and when
<br />the same shall become dua and payable, all taxes,
<br />~10-
<br />