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- supplied and installed at the sale cast and ex- <br />~.••--. .• pease of TENANT, except lighting fixtures and air <br />conditioning equipment, shall at all times be and <br />rennin the property of TENANT and the latter shall <br />have the right to remove the same from the said <br />- PREMISES at any time during the TERM hereof or <br />' within fizre (5) days next following the date of <br />termination of this lease, provided TENANT shall <br />not be in default hereunder and provided further <br />that TENANT, at its sole cost and expense, shall <br />repair or reimburse LP_NDI.ORD for the cost of re- <br />paixing any and all damage to said PREMISES result- <br />. ing from the removal of such furnishings, fixtures, <br />and equipment. <br />CARE OF 13. TENANT stall not permit, allow, ox cause any <br />PREMISES act ar deed to be performed or any practice to be <br />adopted or followed in or about said PREMISES which <br />shall cause or be likely to cause injury ax damage <br />to any person ar to said PREMISES or the BUILDING <br />or to the sidewalks and pavements adjoining the <br />PREMISES. 'T'ENANT shall not permit, allow or cause <br />any noxious, disturbing or offensive odors, fumes <br />or gases, or any smoke, dust, steam or vapors, ar <br />any loud or disturbing noise, sound or vibrations <br />to originate in or to be emitted from said PREMISES. <br />TENANT at all times shall keep said PREMISES in a <br />neat and orderly condition and shall keep the <br />entry ways, side~ralks and delivery areas adjoining <br />the PREMISES clean and free from xubbish, dirt, <br />snow and ice. TENAI~TI shall keep the PREMISES cleax <br />~~~ and free of rodents, bugs, and vermin and at the <br />request of LANDLORD participate and cooperate in <br />carrying out any program of extexmiziation that <br />LANDLORD may direct and TENANT shall bear the cost <br />thereof, or if conducted in cooperation with other <br />tenants then TENANT shall bear its pro zeta cost <br />on the basis of floor areas involved. TENANT shah. <br />not use or permit the use of any portion of said <br />PREMISES as sleeping or living quaxters or as <br />lodging zooms, or keep or harbor therein any live <br />animals, fish, or birds, or use the same for any <br />illegal purpose. TENANT shall not permit, allow <br />or cause the sinks, toilets or urinals in the <br />PP.ErIISES or BUILDING to be used fox any purpose <br />except that for which they were designed and in- <br />stalled, and the expense of repairing any break- <br />age or damage or removal of any stoppage resulting <br />from a contrary use thereof shall be paid by <br />TENANT. TENANT shall maintain the show windows <br />in a clean, neat and orderly condition and the <br />glass thereof clean, and shall stone all trash, <br />rubbish anal garbage within said PREMISES, and <br />shall provide for the prompt and regular removal <br />thereof for disposal outside the area of the <br />SHOPPING CENTER, and TENANT shall not burn or <br />otherwise dispose of any trash, waste, rubbish ar <br />garbage in or about the PREMISES, ar said SHOPPING <br />CENTER. <br />_7_ <br />