Orange County NC Website
ss~ . <br />making population, economic, land use, traffic, and parking <br />studies, and developing plans based thereon to guide public and <br />private development and other planning work of a similar nature. <br />Planning assistance shall also include the preparation of propose.~l <br />subdivision regulations, zoning ordinances, and similar measures <br />which may be recommended for the implementation of such plans..... <br />provided, that the term planning assistance shall not be construed <br />as including the providing oz' plans for specific public works. <br />(2) To receive and expend federal and other funds for planning <br />assistance to municipalities, counties, and to point and regional. <br />planning boards.....and to enter into contracts with the federal <br />government, municipalities, counties, or point and regional <br />planning boards with reference thereto;" and <br />WHEREAS, Section 701 (a) of the Housing Act of 1954, as <br />amended ;'provides that in order to assist State and local <br />governr.'ients in salving planning prcble~^~s, including those <br />resulting from the increasing concentration of population in <br />metropolitan and other urban areas, including smaller communities; <br />to facilitate comprehensive planning; for urban development, <br />including coordinated transportation systems, on a continuing <br />basis by such governments; and to encourage such governments <br />to establish and improve planning staffs, the (Housing and Urban <br />- Development) Administrator is authorized to make planning grants <br />to.....(1) State planning agencies.....~'or the provision of <br />planning assistance to (A) cities and other municipalities <br />having a population of less than 50,000 accordi:~g to the latest <br /> <br />(2) <br />