Orange County NC Website
~'~3 <br />and shall permit the Planning Agency, HUD and/or representatives <br />of the Department of State Auditor and/or the Comptroller General <br />to audit, examine and rrake excerpts ar transcripts from such <br />records, and to make audits of a7.1 contracts, invoices, materials, <br />payrolls, records of personnel, cenditions of employment and <br />other data relating to all matters cavered by this Agreement. <br />18) Personnel <br />A) The Local Government shall ensure that any Contractor <br />represents that he has, or will secure at his own <br />expense, all qualified personnel. under his super- <br />: v9.sior_ required to perform the services under this <br />Agreement. <br />B~) The Local Government shall ensure that none of the <br />work or services covered by this Agreement 'shall <br />be subcontracted by any Contractor. Should the <br />need arise for work or services to be contracted <br />to other parties, the Planning Agency and the <br />- Local Government, shall,'subsequent to a written <br />amendment, enter .into such additional agreements <br />'~ as are recuired. <br />C) The Loral Government shall ensure that the personnel <br />designated by any Contractor in the attached work <br />plan shall be assigned to this Agreement f,or the <br />time and cask indicated. Modifications in the <br />above--llste:: staff assignments to this project <br />can only be made w_th the Planning Agency's <br />ti~•ritten approval, as provided Por by Paragraph <br />25 hereof. In the event of unauthorized changes <br />in personnel engaged in the performance of this <br />Agreement, or in the evens that the Planning Agency <br />makes an administrative determination that the <br />Contractor's current personnel are in fact not <br />quali,:ied under Paragraph 5 above or are assigned <br />an excessive workload to the end that the quality <br />of work to be completed hereunder cannot be main- <br />tained at an acceptable level of professional <br />caliber, the Planning Agency may terminate this <br />Agreement under the terms of Paragraph 24 hereof. <br />D) The Local Government shall ensure that the planner-- <br />- in-charge or other staff member responsible for <br />the work to be performed under this P.greement shall <br />not be responsible for work an more than four (~#) <br />communities. If several very small communities are <br />undertaking warfc as a group of adjacent communities, <br />(11) <br />