Orange County NC Website
s~o <br />ox the Planning Agency quarterly. Each report shall contain a <br />succinct appraisal of progress in the development of the project, <br />percent, of project completed, difficulties or problems encountered, <br />ar_d the outlook far the remainder of the period far which this <br />Agree:~ent ~.s in effect. Progress reports shall include copies <br />of documents and other materials developed subject to the require-- <br />rents of this Agreement. The final progress report shall be a <br />cu:,.u_ative, comprehensive summation of the entire project, and <br />must be accompar_ied by all reports, documents, and other mater~.als <br /> to be prepared by the Contractor hereunder. Requisition <br />for payment, according to the schedule established by this Agree- <br />ment, shall be subject to authorization by the Planning Agency <br />upon the basis of progress reports evidencing the satisfactory <br />and timely completion of the project. Progress reports shall <br />be narrative in form and shall not exceed one (A) single spaced, <br />letter-sized page f.n length. The Local Government shall notify <br />the Plar_ring Ager_cy of signiz"icar_t problems, delays, or conditions, <br />ac~u£7. or anticipated, w:~ic'r• ad~rersely ai:°ect the Contractor's <br />ti:re'_y and satisfactory co;acaetion or maintenance of the scheduled <br />progress of the work required hereunder, ara of steps taken or <br />contemplated to resolve the adverse situations. <br />12) Publication, Reproduction and Use o° ~?aterial - ido <br />rater`a~. produced in whole or in pa^~ under this Agreea~.ent shall <br />be subject to copyright in the united States or in any other <br />country. ine Planning Agency, the Local Govern.^ent, and FiUD <br />snail hale unrestricted authority to publish, discJ,ose, distri-- <br />Bute and otherwise use, ir. whole or it part, any reports, data, <br />or of^er ater~.a:~s preparea under this Agreemen~. <br />($} <br />