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Contract #68-2013 <br />Dr. Betty Rintoul <br />ATTACHMENT N <br />OUTCOMES AND REPORTING <br />Orange County Department of Social Services <br />By signing and submitting this document, the Contractor certifies that it agrees to the following: <br />1. The Contractor agrees to participate in program, fiscal and administrative monitoring and/or <br />audits, making records and staff time available to Federal, State and County staff. <br />2. The Contractor agrees to take necessary steps for corrective action, as negotiated within a <br />corrective action plan, for any items found to be out of compliance with Federal, State, and County <br />laws, regulations, standards and/or terms of the Contract. <br />3. The Contractor agrees that continuation of and/or renewal of this Contract is contingent on <br />meeting the following requirements. The Contractor agrees to: <br />A. Provide family-focused assessments at the request of the County at the office of the <br />County or the Contractor; and <br />B. Make appropriate referrals for further mental health services as needed by the client and <br />requested by the County, accompanied by written assessment summary and <br />recommendations; and <br />C. Provide at least two (2) training sessions for social workers regarding a routine approach <br />to developmental and social emotional screening for children birth through age five. <br />D. Ensure that a minimum of 24 children who screen positive for mental health needs will <br />receive a comprehensive mental health assessment/consultation by a licensed <br />psychologist; and <br />E. Ensure that 90% of children identified with mental health (behavioral/emotional) <br />treatment needs will receive referrals for mental health services; and <br />F. Submit programmatic reports as requested by the Department and assist the Department <br />in meeting all reporting requirements to State and other agencies; and <br />G. Maintain fiscal books, records, documents and other evidence that reflect all direct costs <br />invoiced under this contract; and <br />H. Maintain client records, in accordance with established policy, that include dates, the <br />service delivered to the individual, a valid authorization for service, program records, <br />and documents and other evidence that reflect program operations; and <br />I. Furnish, as requested, information to the Department, to the fullest extent permitted by <br />applicable privacy and security laws and regulations, to support the performance of <br />Outcomes (06/04) Page 1 of 2 <br />