04/06/1999 11:53 9198331058 PAGE 03
<br />1 l~ To acggire real nrQperty by voluntary purchase from the owners to
<br />2 be developed by the county oho be used by the county to ,provide
<br />3 affQrda~le housin, ~ to persons of low and moderate income
<br />4 ~ Under procedures and standards established~v the county to
<br />5 convey ,prone b~ rival te~sale_ to any public nr p,~vate entity_ at
<br />b ~ r?rovideg affordable housin,~ to persons of low or moderate income
<br />7 Tie county shall include as~art of anx such conveyance covenants
<br />$ or conditionns that assure the property will be developed by the
<br />9 entity for sale or lease to persons~f low or zt~oderate income.
<br />10 ~ Under ~ rocedure~ and standards estabLshed (?v the county, to
<br />11 convey residential pronerly~y private sale to persot}s of low or
<br />12 ma grate income in accordance with G.S. 160A-267 and any terms
<br />13 and conditions that the board of commissioners may, determine."
<br />14 Section 3. G.S. 153A-149(c) is amended by addzng a new subdivision to
<br />15 read:
<br />lb " 15b Housi g. -- To undertake housing ~ograms for low- and
<br />17 moderate-income persons as r~, ovided in G.S. 153A-3'Z8."
<br />18 Section 4. G.S. 159-48(c} reads as rewritten:
<br />19 "(c) Each county is authorized to borrow money and issue its bonds under this
<br />20 Article in evidence of the debt for the purpose of, in the case of subdivisions (1)
<br />2l through (4a) of this subsection, paying any capital casts of any one or more of the
<br />22 purposes and, izt the case of stt~~i!~en-{3~ subdivisions 5}, and (61 of this subsection,
<br />23 to finance the cost of the purpose:
<br />24 (1) Providing community college facilities, including without limitation
<br />25 buildings, plants, aztd other facilities, physical and vocational
<br />2b educational buildings and facilities, including in connection
<br />27 therewith classrooms, laboratories, libraries, auditoriums,
<br />28 administrative offices, student unions, dormitories, gymnasiums,
<br />29 athletic fields, cafeterias, utility plants, and garages.
<br />30 (2) Providing courthouses, including without limitation offices, meeting
<br />31 rooms, court facilities and rooms, and detentiozr facilities.
<br />32 (3} Providing county homes for the indigent and infirm.
<br />33 (4} Providing school facilities, including without limitation
<br />34 schoolhouses, buildings, plants and other facilities, physical and
<br />35 vocational educational buildings and facilities, including in
<br />36 connection therewith classrooms, laboratories, libraries,
<br />37 auditoriums, administrative offices, gymnasiums, athletic fields,
<br />38 lunchrooms, utility plants, garages, and school buses and other
<br />39 necessary vehicles.
<br />40 {4a) Providing improvements to subdivision and residential streets
<br />41 pursuant to G.S. 153A-205.
<br />42 (5) Providing for the octennial revaluation of real property for
<br />43 taxation.
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