Orange County NC Website
~ Whereas, <br />CP&L has rejected numerous requests to just7ly its proposal to the public or to address safe <br />identified by'I,llompson and Lochbaum, and adcl;tionally, CP&L has even moved le ~ ~oneerns <br />public hearing sought by Orange County to air Borne of these issues with the NRC. gaily to prevent a <br />® Whereas, <br />The current evacuation plan for the Harris facility was controversial when first develo ed i <br />not been updated to account for the tremendous P n 19$6, and leas <br />thus cannot assure the safe removal of residents unrl this region has experienced since that time, and <br />g potential accidents. <br />~ Whereas, <br />Communities near Harris -and the greater region -already bear an undeniable and si if <br />the existing reactor and waste storage, handling and transport systems, and whereas thegen Icant risk from <br />to accommodate waste from Cl'&L's reactors in other areas. xPansion is sought <br />® Whereas, <br />Dry cask storage at the generating reactors is a safer storage option, as acknowled ed b <br />Lochbaum, and is even deemed by the NRC to be less prone to failure than coolie Yoj h°mpson and <br />CP&L states that dry casks are equally safe as pool storage and Yhat its expansion is based o and whereas <br />n cost savmgs. <br />® Whereas, <br />Dry storage at the generating reactors would cast CP&L only an estima <br />period, which is a small fraction of CP&L's net profit of X339 million for 1998 aloneo o~eve a 15 year <br />public relations, image advertisiYlg, and lobbying of elected officials (totaling many millions n Its budget for <br />® each year). <br />Whereas, <br />All citizens at risk of exposure to radiation from accidental releases have the democratic ri <br />genuine voice in such an important matter. And whereas CPL, by refusing and/or blockin get to have a <br />its plan to local governments, has chosen an adversarial stance toward the public, des ite g fforts to justify <br />local governments, citizen organization NC WARN, editorial boards from various re 'o <br />members of the public nearest the facility and throughout the re ' P the calls from nine <br />open examination of the safety issues surrounding its pro osal. g1 nal media, and <br />glon encouraging Cp&L to engage in an <br />P <br />® Therefore, <br />We hereby resolve to call on CP&L to meet its responsibilities as a corporate citizen b <br />1) Withdrawing its application to license waste pools C and D for e an y <br />xp ded storage at flee Harris plant. <br />2) Immediately begin to phase-out the import of HLW to Harris so as to rninirrnize a ' <br />on the public by storage in high-densi ~ P ddltional risks placed <br />generating reactors. ty Pools and to revert to the safer o lion of dry-cask storage at the <br />.. <br />or Business <br />Date <br />