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Chairman Shirley A. Jackson <br />Commissioner Nils J. Diaz <br />Commissioner Greta J. Dicus <br />Commissioner. Edward McGaffigan, Jr. <br />Commissioner Jeffrey S. Merrifield <br />United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission <br />Washington, DC 20555-0001 <br />SUBJECT: CURRENT EXAiN17PLE OF.RISK-DEFORMED REGULATION <br />Dear Chairman and Commissioners: <br />During the January 1 l~' Commission briefing on risk-informed regulation and during the January 20`~ <br />briefing on the proposed reactor oversight process, I expressed our concern that the NRC and the nuclear <br />industry are making risk decisions using incomplete and inaccurate data. As a current example, I call <br />your attention to the license amendment application dated December 23, 1998, by the Carolina Power & <br />Light Company involving spent fuel storage at the Harris Nuclear Power Plant and the subsequent <br />proposed no significant hazards consideration determination (Federal Register: January 13, 1999, Vol. <br />64, No. 8) prepared by the NRC staff. <br />The licensee and the NRC staff.have improperly downplayed the risk associated with the proposed <br />activity. Their risk characterization is wrong. The licensee should be required to resubmit a corrected <br />application and another Federal Register notice issued with a corrected proposed no significant hazards <br />consideration determination. <br />The error involves the determination made by the licensee and endorsed by the staff regarding the affect <br />of the proposed activity, namely placing storage racks in Spent Fuel Pools `C' and `D' at the Harris <br />plant, on the probability of a fuel handling accident. From the Federal Register notice: <br />"The probability that any of the accidents in the above list [a spent fuel assembly drop in a spent <br />fuel pool /loss of spent fuel pool cooling flow / a seismic event / misloaded fuel assembly] can <br />occur is not significantly affected by the activity itself.... The probabilities of accidental fuel <br />assembly drops or misloadings are primarily influenced by the methods used to lift and move <br />these loads. The method of handling loads during normal plant operations is not signficantly <br />changed, since the same equipment (i.e., Spent Fuel Handling Machine and tools) and <br />procedures as those in current use in pools `A' and `B' will be used in pools `C' and `D.' Since <br />the methods used to move loads during normal operations remain nearly the same as those used <br />previously, there is no significant increase in the probability of an accident." <br />Washington Office: 1616 P Street NW Suite 310 . Washington [)C 20036-1495 .202-332-0900 .FAX: 202-332-0905 <br />Cambridge Headquarters: Two Brattle Square .Cambridge MA 02238-9105 .617-547-5552 . FAX: 617-864-9405 <br />California Office: 2397 Shattuck Avenue Suite 203 .Berkeley CA 94704-1567 .510-843-1872 .FAX: 510-843-3785 <br />