Orange County NC Website
4 <br />5. Equity/Retention Fund <br />The Board decided~to establish an "Equity/Retention Fund" as outlined in the staff <br />October 1998 Pay and Benefits Report to address establishing or re-establishing equitable <br />salary relationships among employees in a work unit, including any inequity resulting <br />from past salary increase limitations on promotion, and to support retention. <br />6. Two Year Plan <br />The Board decided it would adopt a two year pay package as outlined above to provide for <br />more continuity in the pay plan and reduce the need to revisit the pay plan each year. At <br />the end of 1999-00, the Board decided it would assess the pay and benefits plan and <br />consider what plan should be in' effect for 2001-02. <br />H:\e\99payl .doc <br />April 15, 1999 <br /> <br /> <br />