Orange County NC Website
OFFI~F CAF TFI~ COUNTY ~ANAG-ER <br />O~RAN~?GE COUNTY <br />N~E~RTH CAROLINA <br />y-~v~99 <br />FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET <br />TO: FROM: <br />Couritiy Commissioners Rod Visser, Assistarn County Manager <br />COMPANY: DATE: <br />Apn120,1999 <br />FAX NUMBER: RE: <br />Smith 1Vliddle School Athletic Fac17ities <br />PHONE NUMBER: TOTAL NO.OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: <br />2 <br />^.TJRGENT ~ FOR REVIEW ^ PLEASE COMMENT ^ PLEASE REPLY ^ PLEASE RECYCLE <br />NOTES/COMMENTS: <br />Last week I attended a meeting at C.arrboro Town Hall involving discussion between the <br />Chapel H71-Carlhoro Schools and the Town of Carrboro concerning a proposal to redesign the <br />proposed athletic fields at the new Smith 1Vliddle School. The redesign (as I understand it) would <br />uivolve shifting a panned baseball softball field north on property to be leased from UNC so <br />that the land could accommodate some additional multi-purpose/soccer/ut~7ity fields that could. <br />be used both by the schools and the general public. Here are a few kry points that seemed to <br />arise from the conversation: <br />^ Carrboro and CHOGS are very amenable to cooperating on this -both want to take <br />advantage. of an oppomumyto get good region value for the schools and conuYnlruty <br />' G~IQCS warns to ensure that the middle school project remains on track, so decisions on <br />the fields are needed fairly quickly <br />^ No figures have been developed for additional cost, but architects' experience on other <br />projects suggests at least $200k for grading earthwork, another $100k+ for <br />irrigation lighting -overall cost could be $400k +/- <br />^ Carrboro seems wiling to consider some contribution to the cost <br />^ A C,arrboro representative (perhaps A1dem~arl Allen Span or Recreation Direcxor Richard <br />Kinney) wr11 probably make a brief presernation at tonight's County public hearing on the <br />CIP and request that the Board of Commissioners consider some financial contribution <br />to the proposed work <br />