Orange County NC Website
23 <br />Measure 1.5 Provide incentives to commercial and office businesses that locate ~- <br />in neo-traditional developments. <br />~ ' <br />Measure 1.7 Prohibit land uses and activities which would use large quantities of <br />water. <br />Measure 1.11 Provide "model" standards for the layout and maintenance of <br />conservation areas within new subdivisions. <br />Page 61 <br />* Measure 3.2 Create Conservation overlay district. <br />page 62 <br />** Measure 3.4 Support statewide enabling legislation to allow the transfer of <br />development rights. <br />Measure 4.1 Actively pursue enaction of legislation for inclusionary zoning. <br />Measure 5.1 Implement the Cosmector Roads Plan concept. <br />Measure 5.2 Implement the Carrbom Bdceways Plan. <br />~e 64 <br />Measure 5.5 Promote coordination between developers for the planning of <br />bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and automobile transportation mutes. <br />Measuue 6.2 Provide or increase incemives for developers to dedicate land or <br />facilities for public park and recreational use. <br />* Meas~ue 6.3 Require conservation land to i=rterconnect. <br />* Measuue 6.4 Completing the loop -extension of the proposed greenway trail <br />link . <br />' Measius 6,5 Connect Homestead Road at Lake Hogan Farms with the Bolin <br />Creek Greeuway. <br />* Measure 6.6 Subsidiary greenway trails -require developers of new subdivisions <br />to lay out and construct neighborhood trails through their new developments <br />Measure 6.7 Horace Williams tract. <br />