Orange County NC Website
Presentation to Assembly or Governments by Scenario Workgroup 3 <br />Alternative Scenario in Year 2030, <br />Orange County <br />Important Baseline Assumptions: <br />• Population will increase by 60 ;000 (58% <br />above year 1998) to total of 179,000 <br />• Dwelling units will increase by 25,600 <br />(55% increase) to total of 72,000 <br />Open Space <br />• Rural buffer zones create clear separation <br />between each town and its countryside. <br />• A network of green space, mostly <br />contiguous, exists for parks, natural areas, <br />farms, open space. <br />• 60 % of existing rural land has been <br />preserved through incentives, policies, and <br />regulations <br />Transportation <br />• Public transit corridors link the four towns <br />• Working commuters use park and ride lots <br />• Within each town a range of travel options <br />exists : buses, biking, pedestrian walkways, <br />neighborhood connector roads <br />• Public transportation + growth in compact <br />neighborhoods have resulted in reduced use <br />of automobiles, less than projected traffic <br />congestion, and improved air quality <br />12 Point Focus of the <br />Alternative Scenario <br />1. Open space <br />2. Intill <br />3. Transportation <br />4. Job diversity <br />5. Economic <br />development <br />6. School system <br />7. County -wide <br />planning <br />S. Citizen involvement <br />9. Representative <br />government <br />10. University <br />development <br />11. Services: elderly, <br />disabled, poor <br />12. Infrastructure for <br />preventing sprawl <br />Infill <br />• Growth in population and housing is <br />focused into compact neighborhoods <br />within the towns of Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro, Hillsborough and Mebane. <br />• 85% of population growth is channeled <br />into these 4 towns. <br />• Adequate, environmentally sound <br />commercial and public facilities exist <br />within the county to serve residents <br />Job Diversity <br />• Diversity of employment opportunities exist <br />through training in high schools and <br />community colleges, for skilled manual and <br />technical jobs <br />• Diversity exists in the agricultural economy <br />by expanded direct field -to- consumer <br />opportunities and agritourism <br />