Orange County NC Website
Goal 3. Protect Water Quality and Supply <br />Objectives: <br />• Satisfy water quality standards and protect the water quality of all streams from point and <br />non -point pollution, particularly those used for public water supplies; and guide growth to <br />prevent the necessity of new discharges into public water supply watersheds <br />• Protect critical habitat for rare aquatic species <br />• Ensure individual water /waste water systems and oil tanks are not polluted /non - polluting <br />• Continue efforts to determine groundwater capacities and establish policies to protect <br />groundwater and limit its use to its carrying capacity <br />• Reduce per capita water use (through conservation, efficient use, and recycling strategies) <br />Goal 4. Protect Air Quality <br />Objectives: <br />• Protect the respiratory health of all people; achieve and surpass national ambient air <br />quality standards for particulates, carbon monoxide and ozone <br />• Pursue objectives listed under Transportation related to air quality <br />• Promote improved indoor air quality, particularly with respect to cigarette smoke <br />Goal 5. Reduce Solid Waste and Conserve Energy <br />Objectives. <br />• Initiate simple energy accounting studies to monitor trends in energy use, particularly per <br />capita use <br />• Adopt conservation strategies in building design and construction, particularly for local <br />government and schools <br />• Encourage the use of alternative energy sources, such as solar; consider subsidizing <br />alternative electrical production <br />• Promote reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste and the elimination of the use of <br />toxic chemicals; meet Orange County's adopted goal of 45 % solid waste reduction by <br />2001 and 61 % by 2006 <br />Responsive Governance and Quality Public Services <br />Goal 1. Involve a Wide Variety of Citizens in Planning and Decision - Making <br />Objectives: <br />• Increase representation of rural and minority residents on governing boards, and address <br />concerns of rural and minority residents that they do not have a meaningful impact on <br />local decision - making <br />• Ensure adequate representation for citizens living outside municipal boundaries, but <br />inside municipal planning jurisdictions <br />• Establish more effective participation and decision - making processes in land use matters <br />Goal 2. Minimize Taxes and Encourage Efficient Use of Tax Dollars <br />Objectives: <br />• Provide services as efficiently and at as low a cost as possible;. encourage fiscal <br />responsibility; and promote and maintain efficient use of resources <br />• Quantify (where possible) the effects of different patterns of growth on local budgets and <br />tax burdens <br />• Explore legislative options for increasing compensation for the loss of property tax base <br />and cost for local government services due to UNC <br />• Increase the non - residential proportion of the property tax base <br />Goal 3. Provide a Central Information Base for Decision- Making <br />