Orange County NC Website
Goal Synthesis - The Overall Vision <br />The SOCF Task Force envisions Orange County in the future with sustainable economic development <br />that is equitable for all citizens, and conserves and improves the environment. People will be able to <br />live in dignity in an affordable community with commercial, industrial, and agricultural opportunities, <br />and we will seek to understand the relationship between human activity and natural resources. The <br />major institutions, towns, county and the Triangle region will work in conjunction to plan for growth, <br />resource protection, and area quality of life. <br />The historic and social character of our towns will be maintained. Each town will continue to have a <br />thriving business economy. The focus of economic development will be on encouraging and supporting <br />a diversity of businesses that provide quality jobs paying a living wage and that conform to and promote <br />the community's sustainability goals. <br />The towns' historic neighborhoods will be preserved and new neighborhoods will offer a variety of <br />development choices that include a range of affordable housing and are designed with goals of <br />integrating people's needs to live, work, shop and socialize, and decreasing auto - dependency in mind. <br />Increasing opportunities for people to use public and alternative transportation (i.e. bicycling, walking) <br />will help. to alleviate traffic and air quality issues. Our transportation planning will be community- <br />oriented and take into account the environmental and economic impacts of different methods. An <br />effective and efficient transportation system will help link people in rural communities with jobs in <br />towns, and will be a large incentive to limit auto use and commute by public and alternative transit. <br />Incentives will be provided to cluster rural growth around transit corridor nodes. <br />The County will institute a program to protect critical natural areas and farmland through incentives to <br />landowners. County-scale patterns of development will encourage the maintenance of natural areas and <br />large inter- connected open space designed to protect critical habitat, wetlands, and land for recreational <br />and visual enjoyment through the encouragement of denser development in the towns and clustering of <br />development in rural areas. The County will still maintain a vital and thriving farm community that <br />will be a significant contributor to local food consumption and the local economy. <br />The water quality of all streams in the County will be at least as good as it is in 1999, and the Eno <br />River will still be home to several rare species of fresh water mussels. Availability and quality of <br />surface and groundwater drinking supplies will be integrated into planning for development. <br />Orange County will be a place that includes cultural diversity, addresses human rights and relations <br />issues, and builds and sustains a strong sense of community. The County will be able to provide health <br />and human services for all of its citizens. Our community will work to eliminate substandard housing, <br />homelessness, child abuse, drug abuse, and poverty. The County will have a vibrant community life <br />spurred by UNC, area arts, multi-cultural. diversity, recreational opportunities, and active citizen <br />participation. <br />Our community will have fair, accountable, representative governing bodies that encourage all citizens <br />to participate in decision - making. Local governments will be fiscally responsible and use tax dollars as <br />effectively and efficiently as possible, and work inter jurisdictionally in a coordinated fashion. <br />We envision Orange County in the future without underemployment and illiteracy. Our community <br />will provide quality educational opportunities to meet the needs of all of its citizens throughout their <br />lives. Our school systems will be models for the State in providing challenging learning environments <br />and focusing on meeting the needs of each student. <br />