Orange County NC Website
~~S <br />Page fi <br />SEGTl0~1 3 <br />~• The follo~•~ir_g persons are hereby appointed ar conf.irmecl for <br />the remainder of their term as Members of said Authority, cacti of <br />whom shall continue in office for the term exp3xin; at the in- <br />da.cated number of years fron the date of June o, 1476, and until <br />hi.s successor shall be duly appointed and qualified: <br />Ms. Flora. R. GarreY_t, Rt. 4, Sox 430, Hi_17.sboraugt-,, Nortk, Caral.i..:.. <br />27%.78, three (3) years; <br />and to confirm the appoin.ttnent of_ Paul.. Murxis, 335 Sur_la~~ Circle-„ <br />Chak~e:l `r1i71, I~. C_ fc~r tkre zetna3..r~ir;~; tiara yes7::: of hi.: currant: tier..,:: <br />The sn.ccessar of each met~.ber. shall. be appaa,nted by the ]ioard c.. <br />Ca~i.sai..oxxers.• forate.rm of three (3) years, and unt3.1 a successor <br />-. steal]. be duly apk7ainted and q•~a.ali..fied, except tY,at any p°xsc~n <br />appoint-.ed to fill a tracaairy shall, serve only far the unerpircd te; <br />any n,ex,ber of the f.uthori.ty sxis.l.l he for raappoirlttnant-. <br />SFC7'ION ~~ <br />The AZltended Articles of Ttacorporat.7.on of tt•,e Orange idaCer and <br />Sewer Aut_}7arity, in substar,.ti.a.lly th.e forth set forth in Sectioi; ?. <br />of this Resolution, shall be executed on behalf of the Tawn of <br />Chapel. "Mill by its mayor and t:he corporate ce*-a7. of sa:~.d. 7'ntrr•, sb~:77 <br />be affixed hezeta, attested by tkr.e Clex•k, and the Town Clerk is <br /> and directed to f:kle_ w:kt:h t'r.~c: 5ccretary of SLKtc: <br />of North Carolina a certified copy of this Resolution, together. <br />caith proof of publication of the T~ot;ice of Public Hearin; an this <br />Resolution, and said officers are hereby authorized, empowered, and <br />directed to do all thznos necessary to amend the Articles of <br />Incorporation of said Authority under the provisa.ons of the Idorth <br />Carolina lJater and Sewer Authorities Act. <br />