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46~ <br />Discussion ensued between Tom Ward, Neal Evans, S. M. Gattis, <br />and members of the Board concerning the Social Services request <br />and matching funds from State and Federal Sources. <br />Chairman Garrett said to Commissioner Gustaveson, "I do not <br />believe you motion has been seconded. Would you clarify your motion <br />or are you going to wait?" <br />Cammissioner Gustaveson replied, "Just hold." <br />Chairman Garrett stated, "Seems like there arp soma options <br />you can include it in. I noticed that the County Manager did not <br />make a reaiommendation on those _ the new requests." <br />Discussion ensued between S. M. Gattis, Neal Evans, and members - <br />of the Soard. Some recommendations had come directly for the State. <br />Tom ward stated, "you can send back your proposal to them." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated, "X would move that we start <br />from the revenue side and say that we would set a level of $609,000. <br />of County funds. <br />Neal Evans inquired of Commissioner Gustaveson, "You are not in- _- <br />cluding the Title XX funds or the $30,000.00?" <br />Cammissioner Gustaveson replied, "I am not including the $30,000. - <br />$609,000,00." <br />Further discussion ensued concerning the $30,000. It was under- <br />stood that the $30,000 was in addition to the $509,000. <br />-Commissioner Whitted seconded the motion for the approval of the <br />$60,000 to the Social Services Budget. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated, "Let's go ahead and appropriate the <br />whole amount that it is going to tke to put the funds in instead of <br />squabbling over this $8,000.00." <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />Tom Ward stated, "I just asked him if it was in the $608,000.00 - <br />he said no. And you'll said get .it wherever you can. Well Obviously <br />." <br />Commissioner Whitted stated, "Rather than the Commissioners <br />going back throught there saying what the cut-backs - $$,000 or $9,D00- <br />you know, we are just giving you that." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated, "We can sit here and do it if <br />that what-:---" <br />Tom Ward interrupted, "T thought you wanted us to come back to <br />you, for we couldn't change line items within our budget." <br />Chairman Garrett stated, "That's the problem - that's what we <br />have said; they cannot change line items." <br />Commissioner Pinney amended Commissioner Gustaveson's motion <br />to raise the Social Services Department's Budget from $609,D00.00 <br />to $617,D00.00. <br />Commissioner Walker seconded Commissioner Pinney's amended <br />motion. <br />Further discussion ensued concerning the Social Services Budget. <br />Chairman Garrett said, "Where I disagree with Norm's original <br />motion is this, T thought we made it very clear to them ( Sacial <br />Services Board) that they could not over-spend chore service, that <br />they could not hire a Supervisor II if we sat down tha~ it was a <br />5upervioor I, you know, that we had a line item appropriation to <br />them and T thought we made it plain that they could not come back <br />and ask for additional County monies. I think it is unfair to give <br />them ~09.and say the new request are in there, but where are you <br />going to get it. It does not give them flexibility." <br />