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<br />2007 HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND (HPF) APPLICATION FORM <br />State Historic Preservation Office <br />North Carolina Division of Archives and History . <br />III ABSTRACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT <br />Orange County is pleased to submit this request for $9000 in 2007 CLG Grant funding to <br />conduct a Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey on several adjacent tracts (97 acres total) <br />purchased for the Hollow Rock Access Area/New Hope Preserve, a future low-impact park and <br />natural area. Approximately thirty (30) acres of the subject property are located within an area <br />identified as having a high potential for archaeological remains based on its proximity to New <br />Hope Creek, and all of the property is located within an area identified as having a medium <br />potential for archaeological remains. (Please see attached maps.) Local experts also suggest <br />the likelihood that a historic trading path and/or roadbed and possibly a Native American village <br />were once located within the vicinity of the future park site, and two Native American <br />archaeological sites (310R7 and 310R13) have been recorded in the area. Information from <br />the Cultural Resources Survey will be used to assist with the siting of future facilities at the park <br />and possible interpretation, to expand our countywide inventory of archaeological resources, <br />and to develop new public-private partnerships with a shared goal of resource protection. <br />This project advances many of the draft goals and objectives identified in the North <br />Carolina Historic Preservation Plan for 2006-2010. Located along the boundary line between <br />Orange and Durham, the park project represents a multi jurisdictional public-private partnership <br />including the two counties, the Town of Chapel Hill, the City of Durham, and the Triangle Land <br />Conservancy (TLC), and as such will have considerable public outreach through the public <br />process and related news media. Community groups such as the New Hope Creek Corridor <br />Advisory Committee (NHCCAC) and the Erwin Area Neighborhood Group (FANG) have also <br />been involved in the project. Anew committee consisting of elected officials, representatives • <br />Hollow Rock Access Area/New Hope Preserve <br />Orange County, North Carolina Page 7 <br />