Agenda - 06-23-2009 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-23-2009
Agenda - 06-23-2009 - 3
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Last modified
6/22/2009 12:45:21 PM
Creation date
6/22/2009 12:45:20 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090623
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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and remained so until June 2, 2009 when the Board approved funds and indicated the <br />desire to see a revised scope of work which would utilize the existing space. <br />Guiding Principles <br />Staff has heard the Board's discussion and understands the desire to complete this project is <br />a fiscally prudent manner. In the absence of information to the contrary, the following guiding <br />principles will be used to complete the renovations: <br />• The Link Center's current floor plan is to be used with as little modification as practicable <br />while maintaining efficient departmental operations. <br />• Costs are to be contained to the extent possible while still delivering operationally <br />functional space. <br />• Work would not exceed $425,000 for Phase I as cited in the June 2, 2009 approval. <br />• Work would not exceed $575,000 for Phase II, which under this proposal includes <br />development of facility conference rooms, as well as the Board meeting room and <br />technology associated with its operation. <br />Suggested Development Process <br />It has been the Board's practice to involve planning committees on new facilities since at <br />least 1998, particularly when the building affected specific user groups, such as with the two <br />Senior Centers. Office buildings with primarily departmental usage included Commissioner <br />participation and approval at strategic points, but left much of the planning to the department <br />directors and their staffs, such as was the case with the Link Center in 1992. Given the <br />expedited delivery we have imposed on ourselves through the reallocation of the Government <br />Services Center Annex (GSC-A) to the Board of Elections by November 4, 2009, staff is <br />proposing a hybrid version of our previous planning processes that will hopefully provide an <br />appropriate level of involvement by stakeholders and will give Commissioners ample <br />opportunity for input and approval. This process is of course only suggested and can be <br />modified as the Board sees fit. <br />• Step 1: Agree to complete the project in two phases: <br />o Phase 1 ~~development of office space for the Clerk to the Board and County <br />Commissioners, County Manager, County Attorney, Human Resources and <br />Financial Services and Budget Office. This phase will also include adding a fire <br />suppression system to the building as required by Code. <br />o Phase 2~~development of the Board meeting room and facility conference <br />rooms on the lower level of the building. <br />• Step 2: CRZ will meet with departments to complete the information needed to <br />establish a preliminary program and floorplan for the Link Center. <br />• Step 3: CRZ and staff would meet with as many Board members as chose to attend a <br />meeting by early-July. This meeting would be designed to bring the Board up to date <br />on the work thus far and would include program information for each department and <br />in general would identify where in the building their offices would be located. This <br />meeting would not address specific office locations within the departments. <br />Commissioners unable to attend would be provided meeting notes and handouts from <br />the meeting.. The outcome of this meeting would be to obtain agreement on the <br />elements such that CRZ could work with department directors to specifically lay out <br />the office space within their department and proceed to develop documents from <br />which the job could be priced. <br />2 <br />
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