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a~ <br />Schedule I <br />FEDERAL CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION <br />(Required of Governmental Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations) <br />The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that we aze complying <br />with all provisions of TITLE 49 CFR 29 -TRANSPORTATION, Sec. 29.200 Debarment or <br />suspension. <br />(a) Primary covered transactions. Except to the extent prohibited by law, persons who aze <br />debarred or suspended shall be excluded from primary covered transactions as either participants <br />or principals throughout the Executive Branch of the Federal Government for the period <br />of their debarment, suspension, or the period they are proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part <br />9, subpart 9.4. Accordingly, no agency shall enter into primary covered transactions with such <br />excluded persons during such period, except as permitted pursuant to Sec. 29.215. <br />(b) Lower tier covered transactions. Except to the extent prohibited by law, persons who have <br />been proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4, debarred or suspended shall be <br />excluded from participating as either participants or principals in all lower tier covered <br />transactions (see Sec. 29.110(a)(1)(ii)) for the period of their exclusion. <br />(c) Exceptions. Debarment or suspension does not affect a person's eligibility for-- <br />(1) Statutory entitlements or mandatory awards (but not subtier awazds thereunder which are <br />not themselves mandatory), including deposited funds insured by the Federal Government; <br />(2) Direct awazds to foreign governments or public international organizations, or transactions <br />with foreign governments or foreign governmental entities, public international organizations, <br />foreign government owned (in whole or in part) or controlled entities, and entities consisting <br />wholly or partially .of foreign governments or foreign governmental entities; <br />(3) Benefits to an individual as a personal entitlement without regazd to the individual's <br />present responsibility (but benefits received in an individual's business capacity aze not <br />excepted); <br />(4) Federal employment; <br />(5) Transactions pursuant to national or agency-recognized emergencies or disasters; <br />(6) Incidental benefits derived from ordinary governmental operations; and <br />(7) Other transactions where the application of these regulations would be prohibited by law. <br />[60 FR 33041, 33064, June 26, 1995] <br />Signature <br />0/~i'Ill~ GDui <br />Agency rganization <br />~J <br />~ha~r ~fa.~~ l~w.~ 7~ ~-~?iA~ <br />Title <br />,~e,G a 7 aDD 7 <br />Date <br />~~~n~Iitl/e/~~rS <br />Schedule I -Page 1 of 1 <br />