Orange County NC Website
15 <br />• 7. What aze the significant plant communities on the site? (for example., bottomland forests <br />of sweetgum, tulip trees, and ash; part of site covered in honeysuckle) Include <br />approximate age and size of trees. <br />This bottomland hazdwood area has 50-80 veaz old Sycamore trees Oaks Ash_ Box elder <br />etc. <br />8. What animal species have been noted on the site? <br />Bald Eaeles freQUent the Haw River Wildlife Corridor Ospreys numerous fish species <br />deer, fox, and other animals frequent this rich corridor and this site <br />9. Threatened. and Endangered Species: <br />Are there federally-listed Threatened or Endangered Species or designated Critial Habitat <br />listed for your county? (X) yes ( ) no <br />NOTE: Refer to <br />If yes, what is/are the species? Bald Easle, Roanoke Bass, Carolina Darter American <br />Eel, Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Atlantic PiQtoe Brook Floater Dwarf Wedgemussel <br />Green Floater, Savannah Lilliput Yellow Lampmussel Butternut. Creamy tick-trefoil <br />Michaux's Sumac, Smooth Coneflower Sweet Pinesan Torrey's Mountain-mint <br />• <br />10. Has the site ever been known or suspected to have hazardous wastes, or has the site ever <br />been zoned commercial or industrial? ( )yes (X) no <br />If yes, please, list them and indicate their location on the site map. <br />11. Are there any above ground structures (houses, barns, rock walls, dams, etc.)? <br />( )yes (X )no <br />Note: If you are selected for funding, you will need to provide photographs of these <br />above ground structures. <br />• Schedule C -Page 2 of 4 <br />