Orange County NC Website
1~ <br />2007 RTP <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION SHEET • <br />PROJECT NAME Old Greensboro Highway Haw River Trail Access Acquisition <br />PROJECT APPLICANT Orange Countv <br />I. Landscape description <br />1. How many acres in the site will be impacted by the proposed trail construction? <br />Impact will be minimal as displayed in the site plan map. Land trail feet constructed in <br />this project will only include trails from the parking area to the river access area. <br />2. Describe the past land use of the land impacted by the proposed trail construction (for <br />example, reforested land, former agricultural fields, etc.) <br />There is an existing dirt road access branching ofd of a near by private driveway which is <br />mostly within the DOT right-of--way. The remaining area has been left in a natural state <br />for over 5 years. <br />3. Describe the site's general land cover as accurately as possible (for example, 40% <br />hardwoods, 30% Pines, 30% open field) <br />100% forested <br />4. If there is flowing water or open water on the site, please describe it. <br />The Haw River forms the western boon of the parcel in question. <br />5. If there is a wetland on the site, please describe it, noting the acreage it includes. Show its <br />extent on the enclosed site map. Please refer to the National Wetlands Inventory Map <br /> <br />It is unclear exactly how many acres of the varcel is wetland, although almost the entire <br />parcel is within the 100 year floodnlain. It is possible that as much as 90% of the parcel <br />is wetland. <br />6. Describe the site's general topography as accurately as possible (for example, 40% steep <br />bluff`s, 40% floodplain, 20% gentle ridges) <br />80% flood plain. 20% gentle slopes <br />Schedule C--Page 1 of 4 <br />