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~~~ <br />Upon motion of Commissioners Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and adapted that the final plat of Kelly Adams <br />be approved. <br />6. Paul Lloyd - This plat proposes the subdivision of a twelve <br />acre tract into two parcels. Both parcels front an SR #1104. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and unanimously adopted that the final plat of <br />Paul Lloyd be approved. <br />7. Clearwater Hills (John Coffey) This plat proposes the <br />creation of five lots varying from two to three acres in size each <br />that front on SR #1918. <br />Upon motion of commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and unanimously adopted that'•.the final plat <br />of Clearwater Hills be approved. <br />8. Willard Mitchell - This plat proposes the creation of six <br />lots, five of which are one acre in size each and the other six acres <br />in. size, all in Eno Township adjoining Palmers Grove Road (SR #1562). <br />Five of these lots front on 5R #1562 while the other attains access <br />to SR #1562 through a private road. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and unanimously adopted that the plat of <br />Willard Mitchell be approved. <br />Mr. Edwards presented to the Board a plat of Hideaway Estates <br />for reapproval. He stated that the 60 day time limit had extended, <br />therefore, the plat needed to be reapproved. <br />Upon motion of Commisdioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and unanimously adopted to reapprove the plat <br />of Hideaway Estates. <br />Chairman Garrett recognized Ervin Dobson, Planning Director, <br />who filed with the board proposed amendments to the Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance which provides a five zoning use districts designed <br />not only to protect the Eno River as a potential water source, but <br />also tv allow for the general preservation of one of the County's <br />most critical .areas. Mr. Dobson reviewed the proposed amendment with <br />the Board. <br />(For copy of the Proposed Amendments, See Docket Book Nine, <br />Page 479 )- <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item XI2: Authorization to hang <br />a portrait of Honorable B. D. Sawyer, now deceased, in the Superior <br />Courtroom of the Orange County Courthouse. <br />Upon motion of Commissiener Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and unanimously adapted that the Orange County <br />Bar Association be granted permission to hang a portrait of the late <br />B. D. Sawyer in the Superior Courtroom of the Orange County Courthouse. <br />The Chairman referred the Board to 2tem X221 - Lexington Homes, <br />Inc., developers of Robins Wood Subdivision, is requesting their bond <br />to secure road paving in that subdivision now be released. The Manager <br />recommends this release be allowed. <br />Mr. Gattis explained that in order for Lexington Homes, Inc. to <br />proceed with the development of Robins Woad Subdivision, the Board <br />needed to allow the cancellation of the old bond for paving and accept <br />a new bond. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted that the Ceunty Administrator pro- <br />ceed with the legal steps in the Robins Wood Development. <br />Item XTV: Does the Board of Commissioners wish to respond to <br />the A-95 review request from Triangle J Council of Governments con- <br />cerning expansion of Environmental Health Research Center in the <br />Research Triangle Park? The County Commissioners have already acted <br />upon this matter. <br />